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Fr 16.5. 20:00 Premiere Sa 17.5. 20:00 So 18.5. 19:00 Sa 28.6. 20:00 So 29.6. 19:00
Kaufmann & Co., Berlin Die letzten 23 Tage der Plüm
Figurentheater und Schauspiel nach dem Comic von Katharina Greve • in deutscher Lautsprache • 60 Minuten • solidarisch 25 €, regulär 18 €, ermäßigt 12 €
Keine Panik! Ein pinker Punkt nähert sich unausweichlich dem Planeten Plümos - der Aufprall droht, ihn zu zerstören. Den Plüm bleiben noch 23 Tage, um das Unheil abzuwenden. Angesichts der nahenden Katastrophe wechseln sich Lethargie und Aktionismus, hängende Köpfe und Panikattacken ab. Doch nach den ersten gescheiterten Rettungsversuchen besinnen sich die Plüm auf das, was sie am besten können: Summerling trinken. Inspiriert von Katharina Greves Comic entwickeln Kaufmann & Co. mit absurden und paradoxen Mitteln ein irrwitziges Panorama allzu menschlichen Unvermögens.
Spiel, Puppenbau: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Regie: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Bühnenbild, Lichtdesign: Werner Wallner
Fri 16.5. 20:00 Premiere Sat 17.5. 20:00 Sun 18.5. 19:00 Sat 28.6. 20:00 Sun 29.6. 19:00
Kaufmann & Co., Berlin The Last 23 Days of Plüm
Puppet Theater and drama based on the comic by Katharina Greve • in German spoken Language • 60 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
Don’t panic! A pink dot is inescapably approaching the planet Plümos – the impact threatens to destroy it. The Plüm have 23 days left to stop the disaster. In the face of the approaching catastrophe, lethargy and doing things for their own sake alternate, as well as hanging heads and panic attacks. After the first failed attempts to save themselves, however, the Plüm have second thoughts and turn to what they can do best: drink summerling. Inspired by the comic by Katharina Greves, Kaufmann & Co. develop an absurd panorama of all-too human failure using farcical and paradoxical means.
Performance, puppet design: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Direction: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Stage design, light design: Werner Wallner
Spiel, Puppenbau: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Regie: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Bühnenbild, Lichtdesign: Werner Wallner
Fri 16.5. 20:00 Premiere Sat 17.5. 20:00 Sun 18.5. 19:00 Sat 28.6. 20:00 Sun 29.6. 19:00
Kaufmann & Co., Berlin The Last 23 Days of Plüm
Puppet Theater and drama based on the comic by Katharina Greve • in German spoken Language • 60 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
Don’t panic! A pink dot is inescapably approaching the planet Plümos – the impact threatens to destroy it. The Plüm have 23 days left to stop the disaster. In the face of the approaching catastrophe, lethargy and doing things for their own sake alternate, as well as hanging heads and panic attacks. After the first failed attempts to save themselves, however, the Plüm have second thoughts and turn to what they can do best: drink summerling. Inspired by the comic by Katharina Greves, Kaufmann & Co. develop an absurd panorama of all-too human failure using farcical and paradoxical means.
Performance, puppet design: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Direction: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Stage design, light design: Werner Wallner
Spiel, Puppenbau: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Regie: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Bühnenbild, Lichtdesign: Werner Wallner
Fri 16.5. 20:00 Premiere Sat 17.5. 20:00 Sun 18.5. 19:00 Sat 28.6. 20:00 Sun 29.6. 19:00
Kaufmann & Co., Berlin The Last 23 Days of Plüm
Puppet Theater and drama based on the comic by Katharina Greve • in German spoken Language • 60 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
Don’t panic! A pink dot is inescapably approaching the planet Plümos – the impact threatens to destroy it. The Plüm have 23 days left to stop the disaster. In the face of the approaching catastrophe, lethargy and doing things for their own sake alternate, as well as hanging heads and panic attacks. After the first failed attempts to save themselves, however, the Plüm have second thoughts and turn to what they can do best: drink summerling. Inspired by the comic by Katharina Greves, Kaufmann & Co. develop an absurd panorama of all-too human failure using farcical and paradoxical means.
Performance, puppet design: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Direction: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Stage design, light design: Werner Wallner
Spiel, Puppenbau: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Regie: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Bühnenbild, Lichtdesign: Werner Wallner
Fri 16.5. 20:00 Premiere Sat 17.5. 20:00 Sun 18.5. 19:00 Sat 28.6. 20:00 Sun 29.6. 19:00
Kaufmann & Co., Berlin The Last 23 Days of Plüm
Puppet Theater and drama based on the comic by Katharina Greve • in German spoken Language • 60 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
Don’t panic! A pink dot is inescapably approaching the planet Plümos – the impact threatens to destroy it. The Plüm have 23 days left to stop the disaster. In the face of the approaching catastrophe, lethargy and doing things for their own sake alternate, as well as hanging heads and panic attacks. After the first failed attempts to save themselves, however, the Plüm have second thoughts and turn to what they can do best: drink summerling. Inspired by the comic by Katharina Greves, Kaufmann & Co. develop an absurd panorama of all-too human failure using farcical and paradoxical means.
Performance, puppet design: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Direction: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Stage design, light design: Werner Wallner
Spiel, Puppenbau: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Regie: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Bühnenbild, Lichtdesign: Werner Wallner
Fri 16.5. 20:00 Premiere Sat 17.5. 20:00 Sun 18.5. 19:00 Sat 28.6. 20:00 Sun 29.6. 19:00
Kaufmann & Co., Berlin The Last 23 Days of Plüm
Puppet Theater and drama based on the comic by Katharina Greve • in German spoken Language • 60 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
Don’t panic! A pink dot is inescapably approaching the planet Plümos – the impact threatens to destroy it. The Plüm have 23 days left to stop the disaster. In the face of the approaching catastrophe, lethargy and doing things for their own sake alternate, as well as hanging heads and panic attacks. After the first failed attempts to save themselves, however, the Plüm have second thoughts and turn to what they can do best: drink summerling. Inspired by the comic by Katharina Greves, Kaufmann & Co. develop an absurd panorama of all-too human failure using farcical and paradoxical means.
Performance, puppet design: Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Direction: Sven Mathiasen, Alexandra Kaufmann, Eva Kaufmann Stage design, light design: Werner Wallner