Luxemburger Straße 20
13353 Berlin
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The Atze Musiktheater is a music theater for children in Berlin. Founded in 1985 as a rock band for children with performances in a backyard stage in Kreuzberg, Atze has evolved over the years into a large children's theater with its own venue in the former Max-Beckmann-Saal, previously the Audimax of the adjacent Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Wedding.



The house has two stages. The large theater hall accommodates 480 spectators, the studio stage 150 spectators. The word Atze in Berlin dialect means big brother or best friend and represents the aim of taking children by the hand, telling them something about life, and above all, strengthening their backs. Approximately 90,000 spectators attend the performances at the Berlin Atze Musiktheater each year. In addition, national tour guest performances of the theater throughout Germany attract an annual audience of 25,000 to 30,000 people.

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Location details

up to 480 Persons
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Less than 100 meters
Theater / Show
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