Dirk Michaelis - Konzert
Saturday, 5/3/2025 at 8:00 PM
Dirk Michaelis - Konzert
Saturday, 5/3/2025
at 8:00 PM
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Dirk Michaelis ist ein dankbarer Mensch. Als er das Angebot annimmt, Sänger einer legendären Band mit früheren Renft-Musikern zu werden, beschert er ihnen und sich den größten Hit. „Als ich fortging“ heißt das zeitlose Werk, das längst seinen festen Platz in den Annalen des anspruchsvollen Deutschpops hat. Wie kaum ein anderer wurde und wird der balladeske Song gecovert. Es gibt Punk-, Jazz-, A Cappella-, Techno-, Mundharmonika- und Trompetenversionen; das Lied wurde ins Portugiesische, Spanische und Griechische übertragen; Clueso, Rosenstolz und Tokio Hotel sangen es ebenso.
Es sind stets Lieder eines sehr nahbaren Sängers. Lieder, die hoch emotional sind und weit ab vom trägen Hauptstrom der Neuen Deutschen Befindlichkeit. Lieder, die oft sanft, aber nie kraftlos daherkommen. Lieder, bei denen man zuhören muss, die das Publikum fordern und dennoch gleichsam von diesem einfachen Pop-Appeal durchzogen sind, mit dem Mehrheiten abgeholt werden.
„Stilles Dorf“, „Seelenverwandt“, „Wo willst du hin“, „Ich möchte mir gehörn“, „Feld aus Gold“ oder Songs jüngeren Datums wie „Heimat“ und „Alles wird gut“ (ein Duett mit seiner Tochter Anouk) stehen für ein vielseitiges Oeuvre mit atmosphärischer Dichte und tiefgehender Poesie. Schon auf seinem Solodebüt „Rockchansongs“ aus dem Jahr 1992, dem bis heute zehn weitere Alben folgen sollten, stellte der charismatische Musiker mit seinen gefühlvollen Kompositionen nachhaltig klar, dass man ihn nicht nur auf den großen Hit reduzieren darf.
Mittlerweile blickt Dirk Michaelis auf vier Dekaden Künstlerkarriere zurück. Sie umfasst gemeinsame Tourneen mit Dirk Zöllner(Die Zöllner) und André Herzberg(Pankow) als „Die 3HIGHligen“; das Programm „Seelenverwandt“ zusammen mit der Dichterin Gisela Steineckert, die ihm neben „Heimat“ und „Als ich fortging“ viele weitere Texte schrieb; zwei Alben, auf denen er Stücke etwa von Sting, Norah Jones und Paul McCartney ins Deutsche überträgt; Duette mit Sarah Connor, Matthias Reim oder José Carreras; die Beteiligung am Kinderalbumprojekt „Hier lebst du“ oder aber 2022 die Mitwirkung bei den „Rocklegenden“ an der Seite von Maschine, Silly und City. So unterschiedlich einzelne Stationen auch sind, sie haben eins gemeinsam: Dirk Michaelis erreicht mit allem, was er tut, Herz und Hirn gleichermaßen.
Eine Basis für das, wo Dirk Michaelis und seine Lieder hingehören – auf die Bühnen! Ob im Trio, mit großer Band oder aber im Alleingang. Kunstvoll und doch leicht erweist er sich als veritabler Entertainer, seine Auftritte profitieren von der faszinierenden Mischung aus scheinbarem Understatement, dem sensiblen Gespür für Zwischentöne und überbordender Musikalität.
Dirk Michaelis ist ein dankbarer Mensch. In erster Linie gegenüber seinem Publikum, das ihm treu bleibt, auch, weil er es nie unterschätzt.
Dirk Michaelis ist offizieller Botschafter der Josè Carreras Leukämie Stiftung und unterstützt neben vielen gemeinnützigen Projekten, auch „Amnesty International“.
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Dirk Michaelis is a grateful person. When he accepts the offer to become the singer of a legendary band with former Renft musicians, he brings them and himself the biggest hit. "When I Left" is the timeless work that has long found its place in the annals of sophisticated German pop. Like few others, the balladic song has been covered time and again. There are punk, jazz, a cappella, techno, harmonica, and trumpet versions; the song has been translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and Greek; Clueso, Rosenstolz, and Tokio Hotel have sung it as well.
There are always songs by a very approachable singer. Songs that are highly emotional and far removed from the sluggish mainstream of the New German Feeling. Songs that come across as gentle but never powerless. Songs you have to listen to, which challenge the audience while still being infused with that simple pop appeal that resonates with the majority.
“Quiet Village,” “Soulmate,” “Where Do You Want to Go,” “I Would Like to Have Me,” “Field of Gold,” or more recent songs like “Home” and “Everything Will Be Alright” (a duet with his daughter Anouk) represent a versatile oeuvre with atmospheric density and profound poetry. Even on his solo debut “Rock Songs” from 1992, which was to be followed by ten more albums to date, the charismatic musician made it clear with his soulful compositions that he cannot be reduced to just the big hit.
By now, Dirk Michaelis looks back on four decades of an artistic career. It includes joint tours with Dirk Zöllner (Die Zöllner) and André Herzberg (Pankow) as “The 3HIGHligen”; the program “Soulmate” together with the poet Gisela Steineckert, who wrote many more lyrics for him besides “Home” and “When I Left”; two albums where he translated songs from Sting, Norah Jones, and Paul McCartney into German; duets with Sarah Connor, Matthias Reim, or José Carreras; participation in the children's album project “Here You Live”; or in 2022 his involvement with the “Rock Legends” alongside Maschine, Silly, and City. As different as the individual stages may be, they all share one thing in common: Dirk Michaelis reaches both the heart and the mind with everything he does.
A foundation for where Dirk Michaelis and his songs belong – on the stages! Whether in a trio, with a large band, or solo. Artful yet light, he proves to be a true entertainer; his performances benefit from the fascinating mix of apparent understatement, a sensitive sense for nuances, and overflowing musicality.
Dirk Michaelis is a grateful person. Primarily towards his audience, which remains loyal to him, also because he never underestimates them.
Dirk Michaelis is an official ambassador of the José Carreras Leukemia Foundation and supports many charitable projects, including “Amnesty International.”
Doors open: 7:00 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Dirk Michaelis - Konzert
Dirk Michaelis is a grateful person. When he accepts the offer to become the singer of a legendary band with former Renft musicians, he brings them and himself the biggest hit. "When I Left" is the timeless work that has long found its place in the annals of sophisticated German pop. Like few others, the balladic song has been covered time and again. There are punk, jazz, a cappella, techno, harmonica, and trumpet versions; the song has been translated into Portuguese, Spanish, and Greek; Clueso, Rosenstolz, and Tokio Hotel have sung it as well.
There are always songs by a very approachable singer. Songs that are highly emotional and far removed from the sluggish mainstream of the New German Feeling. Songs that come across as gentle but never powerless. Songs you have to listen to, which challenge the audience while still being infused with that simple pop appeal that resonates with the majority.
“Quiet Village,” “Soulmate,” “Where Do You Want to Go,” “I Would Like to Have Me,” “Field of Gold,” or more recent songs like “Home” and “Everything Will Be Alright” (a duet with his daughter Anouk) represent a versatile oeuvre with atmospheric density and profound poetry. Even on his solo debut “Rock Songs” from 1992, which was to be followed by ten more albums to date, the charismatic musician made it clear with his soulful compositions that he cannot be reduced to just the big hit.
By now, Dirk Michaelis looks back on four decades of an artistic career. It includes joint tours with Dirk Zöllner (Die Zöllner) and André Herzberg (Pankow) as “The 3HIGHligen”; the program “Soulmate” together with the poet Gisela Steineckert, who wrote many more lyrics for him besides “Home” and “When I Left”; two albums where he translated songs from Sting, Norah Jones, and Paul McCartney into German; duets with Sarah Connor, Matthias Reim, or José Carreras; participation in the children's album project “Here You Live”; or in 2022 his involvement with the “Rock Legends” alongside Maschine, Silly, and City. As different as the individual stages may be, they all share one thing in common: Dirk Michaelis reaches both the heart and the mind with everything he does.
A foundation for where Dirk Michaelis and his songs belong – on the stages! Whether in a trio, with a large band, or solo. Artful yet light, he proves to be a true entertainer; his performances benefit from the fascinating mix of apparent understatement, a sensitive sense for nuances, and overflowing musicality.
Dirk Michaelis is a grateful person. Primarily towards his audience, which remains loyal to him, also because he never underestimates them.
Dirk Michaelis is an official ambassador of the José Carreras Leukemia Foundation and supports many charitable projects, including “Amnesty International.”
Doors open: 7:00 PM
8:00 PM
from € 42.90