Tivadar Nemesi

Tuesday, 8/13/2024
at 7:30 PM

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Exciting rhythms meet old chorales and new melodies.
Classical music, tangos, and jazz blend into a hymn to life, light, and hope.

Exciting rhythms meet old chorales and new melodies.
Classical, tangos, and jazz merge into a hymn to life, light, and hope.

Volker Jaekel: Organ, Portative (portable medieval organ)
Gert Anklam: Saxophones, Sheng (Chinese mouth organ)         

The program spans a bridge through the eras from early music to jazz and connects the most diverse musical influences of the artists into a varied program through space and time. Unusual arrangements of old chorales, original compositions influenced by collaboration with musicians from other cultures, orchestral soundscapes on the organ, tangos, and exciting improvisations will be heard.

Volker Jaekel – exceptional organist, jazz pianist, and musician – extracts unusual sounds and earthy rhythms from the organ.

The musicians will present their new CD “Mein Gmüth ist mir verwirret” and will also let the Chinese mouth organ Sheng and the medieval Portative resonate. The various and fascinating tones of the organ enter into a musical dialogue with the sonorous saxophone of Gert Anklam.

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