Domplatz 3
60311 Frankfurt am Main
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The House at the Cathedral is an education, cultural, and conference center of the Diocese of Limburg in Frankfurt am Main. It sees itself as a platform between the church and society and as a hub of urban and social discourse.

The Haus am Dom was inaugurated on January 14, 2007 by Bishop Franz Kamphaus. Since then, discussion rounds and academy conferences on current social, religious, and cultural issues have brought people together here. It also serves as a platform for the Aktuelles Forum of the Domkreis Church and Science, a central venue for the Catholic communities of Frankfurt, and an attractive conference venue for non-ecclesiastical groups and institutions. Exhibition spaces of the Museum of Modern Art, the MMK-Zollsaal, and the Cathedral Museum, the so-called Sakristeum, complement the offering. The center is housed in the former main customs office of the city in Frankfurt's old town and in close proximity to the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew.

For events, two halls, a salon, and four seminar rooms are available:

Main Hall (179 m² + 34 m² gallery): up to 199 people

Giebelsaal (103 m²): up to 80 people

Salon (67 m²): up to 30 people

4 Seminar Rooms (31 - 47 m²): around 20 - 40 people depending on the room

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Dieser Text basiert auf dem Artikel Haus am Dom aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported (Kurzfassung). In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

Location details

Event space
up to 200 Persons
Parking garage/underground parking
Approx. 100-200 meters
Seminar / Training
Meeting / Conference
Small kitchen
External catering
Partially air-conditioned

Upcoming events

Entwicklungspolitische Film- und Diskussionsreihe fern:welt:nah 16 - Sultanas Traum
2/4/2025 at 7:00 PM / Frankfurt am Main

Entwicklungspolitische Film- und Diskussionsreihe fern:welt:nah 16 - Postconflicto corp. de esmeraldas, Coca y Cacao
2/19/2025 at 7:00 PM / Frankfurt am Main

Kapitalismus am Limit? Sozialphilosophischer Thementag
5/10/2025 at 9:30 AM / Frankfurt am Main

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