DIE QUIETSCHBOYS - Das Frankfurter Original seit 1988
Saturday, 12/13/2025 at 8:00 PM
DIE QUIETSCHBOYS - Das Frankfurter Original seit 1988
Saturday, 12/13/2025
at 8:00 PM
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Das Frankfurter Original seit 1988 - die Quietschboys sind back!
In ihrem Gründungsjahr 1988 schufen die Quietschboys ein komplett neues Genre der Rockmusik: den Comedy-Hardrock!
Comedy-Hardrock bedeutet zum Einen, Meilensteine der Rockmusik, die sich sehr nah am Original bewegen zu covern und zum Anderen, Songs aus den inter-nationalen Charts so gekonnt zu verrocken, dass die Originalinterpreten Augen und Ohren machen würden. Aber auch vor Titeln, die auf den ersten Blick gar nichts mit Rockmusik zu tun haben, machen die vier Musiker nicht halt.
Komplettiert werden die Stücke stets mit selbstverfassen, humoristischen Texten in Frankfurter Mundart. Spaß auf der Bühne und Spaß mit dem Publikum stehen im Vordergrund der Konzerte der Quietschboys und die beiden Sänger beziehen stets das Publikum ins Geschehen mit ein, egal ob bei ihren Ansagen oder auch in den Liedern.
Auch textlich greift die Band alle erdenklichen Themen auf. Ob Musik, Essen, Trinken oder Urlaub, Outfit, Job oder Beziehung - hier wird alles bedient und nahezu jeder Zuhörer hat sich schon einmal in einem der Texte wiedergefunden, die stets in Frankfurter Mundart präsentiert werden.
Witzig und unterhaltsam, frech aber nicht unverschämt und manchmal eindeutig zweideutig, so begeistern die Quietschboys ihr Publikum, für das sie in den Pausen oder nach dem Konzert für Fotos, Autogramme und dem Austausch mit ihren Fans gerne zur Verfügung stehen.
Spaß und gute Laune sowie hohes musikalisches Niveau mit ungebremster Spielfreude stehen für die Musiker Klaus Kaffine - Gitarre und Gesang, Bernd Seibel - Gitarre und Gesang, Ralf Deutscher - Drums, Emil Abrigade - Bass, im Mittelpunkteines jeden Konzertes.
Im Gepäck haben die Quietschboys ihre CD „Bier für ´ne Mark“ in Anlehnung an den Iron Maiden Klassiker „Fear of the Dark“.
Die Quietschboys - Comedyrock vom Feinsten und original seit 1988!
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
The Frankfurt original since 1988 - the Quietschboys are back!
In their founding year 1988, the Quietschboys created an entirely new genre of rock music: Comedy Hard Rock!
Comedy Hard Rock means, on one hand, covering milestones of rock music that stay very close to the original and, on the other hand, rocking songs from the international charts so skillfully that the original artists would be amazed. But the four musicians do not shy away from titles that at first glance have nothing to do with rock music.
The pieces are always complemented by self-written, humorous lyrics in Frankfurt dialect. Fun on stage and fun with the audience are the focus of the Quietschboys' concerts, and the two singers always involve the audience in the happenings, whether in their announcements or in the songs.
The band also addresses all conceivable topics in their lyrics. Whether music, food, drink, or vacation, outfit, job, or relationship - everything is covered here, and almost every listener has found themselves in one of the texts, which are always presented in Frankfurt dialect.
Witty and entertaining, cheeky but not rude, and sometimes clearly double entendre, the Quietschboys enchant their audience, for whom they are happy to be available for photos, autographs, and exchanges with their fans during breaks or after the concert.
Fun and good mood, as well as a high musical level with unbridled joy of playing, are at the center of each concert for the musicians Klaus Kaffine - guitar and vocals, Bernd Seibel - guitar and vocals, Ralf Deutscher - drums, Emil Abrigade - bass.
The Quietschboys have their CD "Bier für 'ne Mark" with them, in reference to the Iron Maiden classic "Fear of the Dark."
The Quietschboys - comedy rock at its finest and original since 1988!
Doors open: 7:00 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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DIE QUIETSCHBOYS - Das Frankfurter Original seit 1988
The Frankfurt original since 1988 - the Quietschboys are back!
In their founding year 1988, the Quietschboys created an entirely new genre of rock music: Comedy Hard Rock!
Comedy Hard Rock means, on one hand, covering milestones of rock music that stay very close to the original and, on the other hand, rocking songs from the international charts so skillfully that the original artists would be amazed. But the four musicians do not shy away from titles that at first glance have nothing to do with rock music.
The pieces are always complemented by self-written, humorous lyrics in Frankfurt dialect. Fun on stage and fun with the audience are the focus of the Quietschboys' concerts, and the two singers always involve the audience in the happenings, whether in their announcements or in the songs.
The band also addresses all conceivable topics in their lyrics. Whether music, food, drink, or vacation, outfit, job, or relationship - everything is covered here, and almost every listener has found themselves in one of the texts, which are always presented in Frankfurt dialect.
Witty and entertaining, cheeky but not rude, and sometimes clearly double entendre, the Quietschboys enchant their audience, for whom they are happy to be available for photos, autographs, and exchanges with their fans during breaks or after the concert.
Fun and good mood, as well as a high musical level with unbridled joy of playing, are at the center of each concert for the musicians Klaus Kaffine - guitar and vocals, Bernd Seibel - guitar and vocals, Ralf Deutscher - drums, Emil Abrigade - bass.
The Quietschboys have their CD "Bier für 'ne Mark" with them, in reference to the Iron Maiden classic "Fear of the Dark."
The Quietschboys - comedy rock at its finest and original since 1988!
Doors open: 7:00 PM
Mühlheim am Main
8:00 PM
from € 21.20