Die Schöpfung von Joseph Haydn - Abschlusskonzert des 4. Speyerer Musikherbstes zur Wiedereröffnung des überdachten Foyers im Historischen Museum der Pfalz
/ 4:00 PM
, Historisches Museum der Pfalz
The Creation by Joseph Haydn as the closing concert of the 4th Speyer Music Autumn for the reopening of the covered foyer in the Historical Museum of the Palatinate in Speyer
Haydn was probably inspired to compose a large oratorio during his stays in England when he heard the oratorios of Georg Friedrich Handel performed with a large ensemble. The work on the oratorio lasted from October 1796 to April 1798. According to Haydn's own statement, the composition was an inspiring and fundamental religious experience for him. He expressed to his biographer: “I was never so devout as during the time I was working on The Creation; daily I fell to my knees and prayed to God to grant me the strength to successfully complete this work.”
PalatinaKlassik Vocal Ensemble
Philharmonic Choir at the Saar
PalatinaKlassik Chamber Philharmonic
Conducted by: Prof. Leo Kraemer
(c) PalatinaKlassik
Doors open: 15:30
The event is postponed. Further information will follow.