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Sa 21.6. 10:00 + 12:00 + 14:00 + 16:00 Premieren Mo 23.6. 10:00 Di 24.6. 10:00 Mi 25.6. 10:00 Do 26.6. 10:00
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Wasser ist Leben
Schüler*innen spielen für Schüler*innen • in deutscher Lautsprache • 60 Minuten • Sa: 3 €, Mo-Do: • 7 € (Kind), 5 € (Gruppe mit JKS-Schein), 5,50 € (Gruppe ohne JKS-Schein), solidarisch 15 €, regulär 10 €, ermäßigt 9 € (Erw.)
Das diesjährige Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule steht unter dem Motto »Wasser ist Leben«. Die Schüler*innen begeben sich dabei auf die Suche nach Wassergeschichten, forschen zum Thema Wasser und entwickeIn gemeinsam Ideen, aus denen dann Bewegungssequenzen, Szenen, Collagen und kleine Theaterstücke entstehen, die auf der Bühne der Schaubude Berlin präsentiert werden. Wasser – Wasser in verschiedenen Zuständen – Klimaveränderungen …
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
25. Theaterfestival der Erika-Mann-Grundschule, Berlin Water Is Live
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • €7 (Children), €5 (Groups with JKS voucher), €5.50 (Groups without JKS Voucer), Adults Supporter €15, Regular €10, Discounted €9
The motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin. Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…