In a evening-filled show, "ABALANCE", one of the oldest ABBA revival bands, unites the music and history of the legendary Swedes "ABBA" with captivating appeal across generations.
With their German production, they have already performed in Europe's largest revue theater, the Friedrichstadtpalast in Berlin, as well as in Switzerland, Belgium, France, and the Netherlands.
Featured on TV: MDR & NDR
Tickets: Tourist info Gardelegen Tel. 03907-422 66
The band "Abalance" is considered one of the longest-serving Abba tribute bands of all.
Exciting shows and guest performances have taken them from the Baltic Sea to Lake Constance and to the Friedrichstadtpalast Berlin.
Also in European countries... Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France... there has been a keen interest in the exquisite selection of unforgettable ABBA songs performed by Abalance.
A highlight was the collaboration with a classical orchestra.
Now the band delights the audience in their region with a fascinating ABBA stage show - "live in concert".
Naturally, it is the ladies who enchant the stage. The trained voices of the soloists Ines Mossbauer and Katrin Feickert are uniquely close to the original, creating a perfect illusion.
The roots of ABBA can also be found in folklore. Jürgen Mossbauer (Key, voc), Marco Wendel (git, voc), and Gerrit Dettmer (dr, voc) present the musical foundation of the excellent world hits with delicate and detail-oriented dedication: "Waterloo-Mamma Mia-SOS-Dancing Queen-Thank you for the Music"...
The beloved unplugged moments during the show ensure an emotional spark in the room.
The singers, who are sisters in real life, warmly and thoughtfully host a show that transcends generations and goes under the skin.
Enjoy a representative mix of the hits of the legendary Swedes.