KARO BENDER: Sex, Drugs, and Chocolate Muffins
Karo endured an unfulfilled existence in public service for 20 years until she decided to look beyond the box and experiment wildly with drugs and men. In her shows, she provides insights into the dark corners of society and explains the connection between men and chocolate muffins. Whether it’s drugs, BDSM, or Pay 6 - Karo serves the unpleasant truth best cold. She has come to dismantle worldviews and show the world as it really is: dirty, ruthless, and hilariously funny.
MARVIN SPENCER: Marvin Spencer leaves a trail of destruction on the stages of this country. When he steps behind the microphone, the refined spirit verbally unleashes his fists and knocks cheap punchlines and predictable gags out of the ring with the first punch.
With his mix of American-style Stand-Up Comedy and political cabaret, the Hamburg native has won numerous competitions and was awarded the prestigious Munich Cabaret Kaktus in 2015. Always a bit louder than necessary, Marvin demands full attention, after all, he has a lot to say: about religion, politics, and society; but above all, his personal abysses. Because comedy must hurt everyone, without exception.
Crafted with skill, he focuses on character rather than caricature in his program. He doesn’t provoke for the sake of provoking – he surprises us to make us laugh. Marvin Spencer doesn't present clichés for us to nod at. He throws us off balance with honesty and presents the world from the perspective of the eternal outsider. This is comedy for independent thinking; intelligent right down to the gutter.
We are looking forward to KARO BENDER and MARVIN SPENCER on the Smash Comedy stage on Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 8 PM at the Moonshine Theatre of the Mathilde Bar Ottensen!! And we wish you a lot of fun at this special double show!!
The Smash Comedy Club hosts queer feminist Stand-Up Comedy Open Mics for women and FLINTA* comedians, as well as Queer Specials and TIN* (Trans Inter Non-binary) Stand-Up shows. Motto: Diversity Power against Discrimination!
Follow us on Instagram to not miss anything, and write to us if you would like to perform at an Open Mic at smashcomedyclub@gmail.com