fotografiert von Necrophorus, Creuzburg, CC BY-SA 3.0
Burgberg 1
99831 Creuzburg
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The Creuzburg was built around 1170 and is one of the larger Romanesque castle complexes in Germany.

The entire complex today includes the Romanesque castle, the terraced park on the southern and eastern slopes of the castle hill, as well as the access roads and a section of the town wall. The circumference of the castle wall is 340 meters, the interior area measures about 7400 square meters, making Creuzburg one of the larger preserved stone castles from the Romanesque period in Thuringia.

Today, the restored castle houses a hotel with a restaurant, the Creuzburg registry office, a private pottery workshop, and the Creuzburg local museum with various collection focuses in the Michael Praetorius Room, the Elisabeth Chamber, the Torture Chamber, and the so-called Homeland Cabinet. The castle courtyard with a small baroque garden, a wooden Boniface Cross, a deep castle well, and the prominent lime tree are freely accessible.

Various rooms are available for events:

  • Restaurant with 60 seats
  • Creuzburg Room with 20 seats
  • Terrace in the castle courtyard
  • Event & Concert Hall with 80 seats
  • Vaulted cellar with 20 seats
  • Green Salon with 20 seats

In addition, the castle can also be exclusively used for events. The outdoor area can accommodate several thousand visitors.

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Dieser Text basiert auf dem Artikel Burg Creuzburg aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported (Kurzfassung). In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.

Location details

Castle / Fortress
up to 100 Persons
Own small parking lot
Company / Club party
Private event
Cocktails / Bar
Professional kitchen

Upcoming events

AMY MACDONALD - Open Air 2025
7/26/2025 at 8:00 PM / Creuzburg

Creedence Clearwater Revived feat. Johnnie Guitar Williamson - Woodstock and Beyond - Tour 2025
8/1/2025 at 8:00 PM / Creuzburg

SALTATIO MORTIS - Burgentour - Finsterwacht 2025
8/16/2025 at 8:00 PM / Creuzburg

Location entered by: eventsTODAY Team