The full life and work of Presley are hardly graspable. So Sebastian Griegel and Andreas Lenz von Ungern-Sternberg do not even attempt it, but rather approach the icon through images, anecdotes, and of course, songs.
Starting with the nervous teenager who knows everything, sings everything, and at the age of 19 records his first demo record at Sam Phillips' Memphis Recording Service for $8.25, impressing the assistant so much that she notes down his name and address. A year later, now already with Scotty Moore and Bill Black by his side, he personally meets Sam Phillips in the studio, who is so taken with him that he records a jam session of the trio and sends it to the most famous DJ in town, who makes the record a regional hit: With "That's All Right," the rockabilly sound is born and Elvis' career begins. It takes him from club appearances, regional concerts, record productions, sold-out tours, and performances in the most famous American TV shows to the top of the charts, into the hearts of all teenagers, and finally all the way to the film business, all in just three years.
Sebastian and Andreas also tell of Presley's stationing in Germany, his first contact there with amphetamines, his return to the USA, the sensational restart in new attire and new style, and his troubled time in Las Vegas.
"Burning Love" - these are 25 songs from Presley's life, each with its own story and significance for the career of this musical legend.
By and with Sebastian Griegel and Andreas Lenz von Ungern-Sternberg
Costumes Cornelia Petz
"Griegel and Ungern-Sternberg approach the King and his legendary hits with great energy and flair, proving to be gifted interpreters of titles that are likely familiar to every resident of the world." (Münchner Merkur)
Ticket Prices
€ 20 | € 25
reduced € 15 | € 20
junior reduced € 10 | € 15 (for students, undergraduates, volunteers, and trainees up to the age of 27)
Duration of the performance approx. 1 hr. 30 min. (no intermission)
Production and organizer: Metropoltheater München gGmbH