30 years of Stuttgart Kantorei
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
Kyrie MWV A 3
Psalm 95 "Come, let us worship" MWV A 16
Anthem "Why, O Lord, delay for ever" ("Hymn") MWV A 19
Psalm 42 "As the deer cries" MWV A 15
Psalm 42 As the deer cries is one of Mendelssohn's most famous works. Wonderfully balanced and developed from the images of the Psalm, the enchanting solos, the effects of the symphonic instrumentation, and the sometimes lyrical, sometimes brilliantly resplendent choral parts appear. Thanks to the |:Mendelssohn:| cycle, Kay Johannsen can also present other compositions, such as the magically imaginative, Mozart-like Kyrie. The hymn Why, O Lord is performed with English text and orchestra instead of organ – an example of Mendelssohn's work that was strongly oriented towards the English audience. With this concert, Stuttgart Kantorei celebrates a milestone birthday!
Tickets (numbered seats)
36/30/24/18/12 € (students, pupils, people with disabilities 30/24/18/12/6 €)
Advance ticket sales
at StuttgartKonzert (0711-52 43 00, www.stuttgart-konzert.de)
and at the information desk in the Stiftskirche (Mon-Sat 10-16, cash payment only)
Box office (from 18:15)
Remaining tickets at the box office, numbered seats.