Actually, Ms. Tausendschön had comfortably settled into lethargy and had planned to doze off towards retirement with her Corona puppy, the completed brain shrinkage, and the advanced corpulence from excessive enjoyment of cooking and baking. However, it was not possible, as the delightful source of creativity still bubbles within her. Not necessarily as insistently and impetuously as usual, but still enough that the artist's soul, torn by irrelevance, can bathe in satisfaction and joy.
What has humanity been doing for more than a year? The politicians, the hobby virologists, the cashiers, the footballers? They all fumble around in a way. And Nessi Tausendschön fumbles along with them. She has even achieved perfection in fumbling; no one fumbles as beautifully and stage-worthy as she does. Her themes include, among others, traffic islands, our language, equality, the planting of front gardens, and the tedious politics.
It is obvious how vulnerable we are and how much we depend on each other and how much we are shaken by our own inadequacies. From the greatest crises often arise the most creative ideas, so they say. And so Ms. Tausendschön has been sitting in the garden for two summers now, waiting for inspiration. A cactus flower is beautiful and captivating precisely because it was barren for a whole year beforehand.
And when you sit at the end of the evening and wonder: What was it all about? This may perhaps be explained at this point, for Ms. Tausendschön cannot do it. In the end, it always comes down to oil, as every hairdresser, ehh, fryer knows. One thing is certain: you will tell yourself: Ms. Tausendschön has turned a dreary evening into something green, an evening I could have spent at home. And for those still unsure of what to expect: it will be fun. Perhaps also melancholic. Just fumbling.
Copyright: Stadt Meerbusch
Admission: 7:15 PM