Galerie Elzenheimer presents: Jan /Feb. 2025
-Peer Oliver Nau-Lieblinge- …Fantasies of a Wood SculptorArt and Culture Center Bad Soden Taunus, City Gallery
-Badehaus in the Old Spa Park-, Königsteiner Str. 86, 65812 Bad Soden Taunus
A-Date Overview
Opening: Friday, January 10, 19:00, Introductory words @Britta Kadolsky, Art Historian M.A.
Exhibition: Saturday, January 11, 15:00 to Sunday, February 23, 2025, 18:00 Closing: Sunday, February 23, 15:00 to 18:00
Opening Hours:Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday from 15:00 to 18:00
Viewings and guided tours outside of opening hours by appointment, Tel. 0176 801 283 56 or
Peer Oliver Nau is among the most well-known wood sculptors in Northern Germany – his caricaturishly to critically exaggerated sculptures are unmistakable.
His medium is the chainsaw, with which he virtuously brings very lively beings – human, animal, and mythical creatures – to life from large-format wooden pieces.
His works often express a regained childishness – and they frequently stage the sensitive sides of human existence with humor and feeling: embarrassment, sensitivity, fear. A certain theatricality of the moment is quite welcome.
The artist Peer Oliver Nau will be present and happily answer questions about his works. You are welcome to send us your questions in advance via email. Please direct to:
Galerie Elzenheimer
Wiesenweg 1265824 Schwalbach
Tel.: +49 (0) 6196/82121 or
Mobile +49 (0) 176 801 283 56 Email:
info@galerie-elzenheimer.deWEB: Show less
Bad Soden am Taunus