Ein Sommernachtstraum - Musical nach W. Shakespeare - Musical nach Shakespeare
/ 8:00 PM
, Stadthalle Wetzlar
The confusions in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" are widely known. However, the musical does set new accents. Shakespeare's original serves as a model that is enriched with wit and comedic presentation, but also in its romantic content. The music today creates a bridge between the grandeur of a masterpiece and its audience in "earworm quality". The fairytale characters of the original are made perceivable not only linguistically but also sensually and pictorially. The result is a parodically heartfelt stage piece that even Master Shakespeare would have greatly enjoyed. Shakespeare loved and wrote robust, hearty popular theater. In his time, there was gossiping, noise, laughter, and eating in the theater. This tradition is intended to be continued. The musical premiered in 1998 at Hamburg's "Schmidts Tivoli".