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Do 12.6. 20:00 Deutschland Premiere Fr 13.6. 20:00 Sa 14.6. 20:00 So 15.6. 19:00
Menzel Schäfer Thieme Team, Berlin
Matou – Die Katze, die kein Mensch sein will
Puppentheater nach einem Roman von Michael Köhlmeier • in deutscher Lautsprache • 90 Minuten • solidarisch 25 €, regulär 18 €, ermäßigt 12 €
Was wäre, wenn eine Hauskatze, die bei den intimsten Gesprächen der Menschen anwesend ist, die menschliche Sprache verstehen und sprechen könnte? Matou kann es und sie ist unter uns. Sie geht in ihren sieben Katzenleben durch mehrere Jahrhunderte der Weltgeschichte, trifft auf historische Persönlichkeiten und gibt uns Einsichten in deren Gedankenwelten. Ihr Blick auf die Menschen ist oft ein kritischer, manchmal ein lässig-amüsierter. Ein philosophischer Abend über das Menschsein aus Sicht einer Katze.
Spiel: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Regie: Hans-Jochen Menzel Szenografie: Josef Schmidt Puppenbau: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Dramaturgie: Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Carl Hanser Verlag Koproduktion mit: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Gefördert von: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Thu 12.6. 20:00 Premiere Fri 13.6. 20:00 Sat 14.6. 20:00 Sun 15.6. 19:00
Menzel Schäfer Thieme Team, Berlin
Matou – the Cat Who Doesn’t Want To Be A Person
Puppet theater adapted from a novel by Michael Köhlmeier • in German spoken Language • 90 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
What would happen if there was a house cat that was present for the most intimate conversations between human beings, who understood human language and could talk? Matou can and she is here, among us. In her seven cat lives, she journeys through multiple centuries of world history, meets historical personages and provides us with some insight into their ways of thinking. Her view of human beings is often a critical one, at times also nonchalant and amused. This is a philosophical evening about being human from the point of view of a cat.
Performance: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Direction: Hans-Jochen Menzel Scenography: Josef Schmidt Puppet design: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Performing rights: Carl Hanser Verlag Co-production with: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Funded by: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Spiel: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Regie: Hans-Jochen Menzel Szenografie: Josef Schmidt Puppenbau: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Dramaturgie: Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Carl Hanser Verlag Koproduktion mit: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Gefördert von: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Thu 12.6. 20:00 Premiere Fri 13.6. 20:00 Sat 14.6. 20:00 Sun 15.6. 19:00
Menzel Schäfer Thieme Team, Berlin
Matou – the Cat Who Doesn’t Want To Be A Person
Puppet theater adapted from a novel by Michael Köhlmeier • in German spoken Language • 90 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
What would happen if there was a house cat that was present for the most intimate conversations between human beings, who understood human language and could talk? Matou can and she is here, among us. In her seven cat lives, she journeys through multiple centuries of world history, meets historical personages and provides us with some insight into their ways of thinking. Her view of human beings is often a critical one, at times also nonchalant and amused. This is a philosophical evening about being human from the point of view of a cat.
Performance: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Direction: Hans-Jochen Menzel Scenography: Josef Schmidt Puppet design: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Performing rights: Carl Hanser Verlag Co-production with: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Funded by: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Spiel: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Regie: Hans-Jochen Menzel Szenografie: Josef Schmidt Puppenbau: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Dramaturgie: Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Carl Hanser Verlag Koproduktion mit: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Gefördert von: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Thu 12.6. 20:00 Premiere Fri 13.6. 20:00 Sat 14.6. 20:00 Sun 15.6. 19:00
Menzel Schäfer Thieme Team, Berlin
Matou – the Cat Who Doesn’t Want To Be A Person
Puppet theater adapted from a novel by Michael Köhlmeier • in German spoken Language • 90 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
What would happen if there was a house cat that was present for the most intimate conversations between human beings, who understood human language and could talk? Matou can and she is here, among us. In her seven cat lives, she journeys through multiple centuries of world history, meets historical personages and provides us with some insight into their ways of thinking. Her view of human beings is often a critical one, at times also nonchalant and amused. This is a philosophical evening about being human from the point of view of a cat.
Performance: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Direction: Hans-Jochen Menzel Scenography: Josef Schmidt Puppet design: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Performing rights: Carl Hanser Verlag Co-production with: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Funded by: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Spiel: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Regie: Hans-Jochen Menzel Szenografie: Josef Schmidt Puppenbau: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Dramaturgie: Tim Sandweg Aufführungsrechte: Carl Hanser Verlag Koproduktion mit: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Gefördert von: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems
Thu 12.6. 20:00 Premiere Fri 13.6. 20:00 Sat 14.6. 20:00 Sun 15.6. 19:00
Menzel Schäfer Thieme Team, Berlin
Matou – the Cat Who Doesn’t Want To Be A Person
Puppet theater adapted from a novel by Michael Köhlmeier • in German spoken Language • 90 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
What would happen if there was a house cat that was present for the most intimate conversations between human beings, who understood human language and could talk? Matou can and she is here, among us. In her seven cat lives, she journeys through multiple centuries of world history, meets historical personages and provides us with some insight into their ways of thinking. Her view of human beings is often a critical one, at times also nonchalant and amused. This is a philosophical evening about being human from the point of view of a cat.
Performance: Anna Menzel, Pierre Schäfer, Veronika Thieme Direction: Hans-Jochen Menzel Scenography: Josef Schmidt Puppet design: Simon Buchegger, Mechtild Nienaber, Odile Pothier, Suse Wächter u. a. Performing rights: Carl Hanser Verlag Co-production with: Homunculus Figurentheater e. V., T-Werk Potsdam Funded by: Land Vorarlberg, Stadt Hohenems