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16+ Do 6.3. 20:00 Fr 7.3. 20:00 Sa 8.3. 20:00 So 9.3. 19:00
Lost&Found, Berlin
Lethe daheim. Ein Abend vom Vergessen und Erinnern
Puppen- und Objekttheater • in deutscher Lautsprache • 70 Minuten • solidarisch 25 €, regulär 18 €, ermäßigt 12 €
Wann haben Sie eigentlich zum letzten Mal das Vergessen gefeiert und hat Ihnen schon jemals ein Schwarzes Loch etwas über das Verschwinden erzählt?
Wir befinden uns ein auf dem Grund des Meeres. Hier sind Kisten versunken, gefüllt mit Geschichten über das Erinnern und Vergessen. Bilder, Gegenstände, Stimmen. Dazwischen: ein Oktopus, der in letzter Zeit seltsam zerstreut ist. »Lethe daheim.« befragt biografische sowie gesellschaftliche Dimensionen von Vergessen und Demenz und konfrontiert das Publikum in absurd-poetischer Bildsprache mit dem Unverfügbaren.
Hinweise zur Barrierefreiheit: Informationen zur baulichen Barrierefreiheit des Spielorts finden Sie hier: https://schaubude.berlin/de/barrierefreiheit/ Als Sitzmöglichkeiten stehen Podest-Stufen und eine Stellfläche für einen Rollstuhl bzw. eine alternative Sitzmöglichkeit mit uneingeschränkter Sicht zur Verfügung. Das Publikum sitzt sehr dicht an der Szenenfläche und wird zu Interaktionen eingeladen. Es wird öfters kurzzeitig dunkel im Raum.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich Text: Luise Bose, Franziska Dittrich Regie: Luise Bose Szenografie, Kostüme: Jana Barthel Musik: Marlena Kreßin Puppenbau: Jonathan Gentilhomme Bühnenbau: Studio Tutti (Laura Immler & Friedrich Hartung) Regieassistenz: Christine Zeides Ausstattungsassistenz: Augustin Klett Produktionsleitung: Katja Podzimski Audiodeskription: Nicolai Audiodeskription Gefördert von: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für Demenzerkrankte – Wilhelm-von-Lauff-Stiftung, Förderverein der Schaubude Berlin e. V. Unterstützt von: Puppentheater Halle Dank an: Marianne Fritz
Thu 6.3. 20:00 Fri 7.3. 20:00 Sat 8.3. 20:00 Sun 9.3. 19:00
Lost&Found, Berlin
Lethe At Home. An evening of forgetting and remembering
Puppet and Object theater • in German spoken Language • 70 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
When was, in fact, the last time that you celebrated forgetting and has a black hole ever told you anything about disappearing?
We find ourselves at the bottom of the sea. Boxes have sunken here, filled with stories about remembering and forgetting. Pictures, objects, voices. In between them is an octopus who has been strangely absent-minded lately. Lethe daheim asks questions about both the biographical as well as the societal dimensions of forgetting and dementia and confronts the audience with the unavailable using an absurd-poetic visual language.
A note about accessibility: You can find information about the physical accessibility of the performance venue here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/barrierefreiheit/ There are a variety of seating options (chairs, on the risers, amongst others) and up to three places for wheelchair users featuring an unobstructed view of the stage. The audience sits very close to the stage area and is invited to interact. The room often goes dark for a short time.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich Text: Luise Bose, Franziska Dittrich Direction: Luise Bose Scenography, costumes: Jana Barthel Music: Marlena Kreßin Puppet design: Jonathan Gentilhomme Stage design: Studio Tutti (Laura Immler & Friedrich Hartung) Assistance direction: Christine Zeides Assistance scenography: Augustin Klett Management production: Katja Podzimski Audio description: Nicolai Audiodeskription Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für Demenzerkrankte – Wilhelm-von-Lauff-Stiftung und Förderverein der Schaubude Berlin e. V. Supported b: Pyuppentheater Halle Thanks to: Marianne Fritz
Thu 6.3. 20:00 Fri 7.3. 20:00 Sat 8.3. 20:00 Sun 9.3. 19:00
Lost&Found, Berlin
Lethe At Home. An evening of forgetting and remembering
Puppet and Object theater • in German spoken Language • 70 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
When was, in fact, the last time that you celebrated forgetting and has a black hole ever told you anything about disappearing?
We find ourselves at the bottom of the sea. Boxes have sunken here, filled with stories about remembering and forgetting. Pictures, objects, voices. In between them is an octopus who has been strangely absent-minded lately. Lethe daheim asks questions about both the biographical as well as the societal dimensions of forgetting and dementia and confronts the audience with the unavailable using an absurd-poetic visual language.
A note about accessibility: You can find information about the physical accessibility of the performance venue here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/barrierefreiheit/ There are a variety of seating options (chairs, on the risers, amongst others) and up to three places for wheelchair users featuring an unobstructed view of the stage. The audience sits very close to the stage area and is invited to interact. The room often goes dark for a short time.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich Text: Luise Bose, Franziska Dittrich Direction: Luise Bose Scenography, costumes: Jana Barthel Music: Marlena Kreßin Puppet design: Jonathan Gentilhomme Stage design: Studio Tutti (Laura Immler & Friedrich Hartung) Assistance direction: Christine Zeides Assistance scenography: Augustin Klett Management production: Katja Podzimski Audio description: Nicolai Audiodeskription Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für Demenzerkrankte – Wilhelm-von-Lauff-Stiftung und Förderverein der Schaubude Berlin e. V. Supported b: Pyuppentheater Halle Thanks to: Marianne Fritz
Thu 6.3. 20:00 Fri 7.3. 20:00 Sat 8.3. 20:00 Sun 9.3. 19:00
Lost&Found, Berlin
Lethe At Home. An evening of forgetting and remembering
Puppet and Object theater • in German spoken Language • 70 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
When was, in fact, the last time that you celebrated forgetting and has a black hole ever told you anything about disappearing?
We find ourselves at the bottom of the sea. Boxes have sunken here, filled with stories about remembering and forgetting. Pictures, objects, voices. In between them is an octopus who has been strangely absent-minded lately. Lethe daheim asks questions about both the biographical as well as the societal dimensions of forgetting and dementia and confronts the audience with the unavailable using an absurd-poetic visual language.
A note about accessibility: You can find information about the physical accessibility of the performance venue here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/barrierefreiheit/ There are a variety of seating options (chairs, on the risers, amongst others) and up to three places for wheelchair users featuring an unobstructed view of the stage. The audience sits very close to the stage area and is invited to interact. The room often goes dark for a short time.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich Text: Luise Bose, Franziska Dittrich Direction: Luise Bose Scenography, costumes: Jana Barthel Music: Marlena Kreßin Puppet design: Jonathan Gentilhomme Stage design: Studio Tutti (Laura Immler & Friedrich Hartung) Assistance direction: Christine Zeides Assistance scenography: Augustin Klett Management production: Katja Podzimski Audio description: Nicolai Audiodeskription Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für Demenzerkrankte – Wilhelm-von-Lauff-Stiftung und Förderverein der Schaubude Berlin e. V. Supported b: Pyuppentheater Halle Thanks to: Marianne Fritz
Thu 6.3. 20:00 Fri 7.3. 20:00 Sat 8.3. 20:00 Sun 9.3. 19:00
Lost&Found, Berlin
Lethe At Home. An evening of forgetting and remembering
Puppet and Object theater • in German spoken Language • 70 Minutes • Supporter €25, Regular €18, Discounted €12
When was, in fact, the last time that you celebrated forgetting and has a black hole ever told you anything about disappearing?
We find ourselves at the bottom of the sea. Boxes have sunken here, filled with stories about remembering and forgetting. Pictures, objects, voices. In between them is an octopus who has been strangely absent-minded lately. Lethe daheim asks questions about both the biographical as well as the societal dimensions of forgetting and dementia and confronts the audience with the unavailable using an absurd-poetic visual language.
A note about accessibility: You can find information about the physical accessibility of the performance venue here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/barrierefreiheit/ There are a variety of seating options (chairs, on the risers, amongst others) and up to three places for wheelchair users featuring an unobstructed view of the stage. The audience sits very close to the stage area and is invited to interact. The room often goes dark for a short time.
Performance: Franziska Dittrich Text: Luise Bose, Franziska Dittrich Direction: Luise Bose Scenography, costumes: Jana Barthel Music: Marlena Kreßin Puppet design: Jonathan Gentilhomme Stage design: Studio Tutti (Laura Immler & Friedrich Hartung) Assistance direction: Christine Zeides Assistance scenography: Augustin Klett Management production: Katja Podzimski Audio description: Nicolai Audiodeskription Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Deutsche Stiftung für Demenzerkrankte – Wilhelm-von-Lauff-Stiftung und Förderverein der Schaubude Berlin e. V. Supported b: Pyuppentheater Halle Thanks to: Marianne Fritz