ERECTION - support: Neat Mentals & Concrete Lipstick
Friday, 4/25/2025 at 8:30 PM
ERECTION - support: Neat Mentals & Concrete Lipstick
Friday, 4/25/2025
at 8:30 PM
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das ist saftiger PPP-Punk aus Regensburg. Oder lang:
Pussy-Penis-Power-Punk! Die Truppe steht lattenstramm an ihren Instrumenten und überzeugt durch ihre authentische Art, die Texte und pulsierenden Songs, die jeden noch so lahmen Schritt binnen Sekunden freudig erigieren oder anfeuchten dürften. Doch welches Gemensch verbirgt sich hinter dem musikalischen Wundertraum? Da wäre einmal Julia - the Punkqueen am Gesang, sowie Heinz oder Andi an den Drums. Schtiefn - the sex god of Guitar - und der entrückt-verzückte Chaot am Bass: Tino mit dem großen Dino.
ERECTION: Das ist Sex, das ist Zukunft, das ist Rock´n´Roll!
Neat Mentals:
Zwei Gitarren, Bass, Schlagzeug, alle singen. Das süddeutsche Quartett, 2014 gegründet, beeindruckt mit 14 neuen Songs, die noch schwungvoller und frischer wirken als auf dem Debüt. Poppiger 77er-Punkrock und Powerpop treffen bei den Neat Mentals auf 90´s-Melodic-Punk und frühe US HC-Punk-Einflüsse. Johnny Thunders, The Boys, Cheap Trick, The Peepshows, viele tolle Einflüsse sind hier, ob beabsichtigt oder nicht, herauszuhören. Viel Spielwitz und Charme und vor allem der stets vielstimmige Gesang dominieren den Sound der Neat Mentals, der natürlich nicht vorgibt, das Rad neu zu erfinden, aber stets unbekümmert und frisch wirkt. Mit dem Abschlusssong »Zeitverschwender« präsentieren die Schwaben zudem erstmalig einen deutschsprachigen Song. Ausgewogen und fett, aber mit ausreichend Kante produziert, ist »Wasteland« ein wahres Feuerwerk cooler Rock´n´Roll-Referenzen der letzen 60 Jahre und absoluter Tipp für alle Leute, die Nachts in der Bar nicht nur Lederjacke, sondern auch Sonnenbrille tragen.
Concrete Lipstick:
Back to basic and straight through – Concrete Lipstick gründeten sich im Pandemie-Lockdown und veröffentlichen im Sommer 2022 bereits ihr erstes Album. Ihren individuellen Sound, der an Skandi- und 80er US-Punk erinnert, hat die Band im Hip Gun Studio gefunden. Nach nur wenigen Sessions entstanden zehn Songs mit einer Spielzeit von 20 Minuten – direkt, energisch und DIY!
this is juicy PPP-Punk from Regensburg. Or in full: Pussy-Penis-Power-Punk! The band stands firm at their instruments and impresses with their authentic style, the lyrics and pulsating songs that can make even the most boring step joyfully erect or moist within seconds. But what kind of crowd is hiding behind this musical wonder dream? There is Julia - the Punkqueen on vocals, as well as Heinz or Andi on the drums. Schtiefn - the sex god of Guitar - and the enchanted-excited chaotic on bass: Tino with the big dino.
ERECTION: This is sex, this is the future, this is rock'n'roll!
Neat Mentals:
Two guitars, bass, drums, everyone sings. The southern German quartet, founded in 2014, impresses with 14 new songs that sound even more vibrant and fresh than on their debut. Poppier 77's punk rock and power pop meet 90's melodic punk and early US HC-punk influences with the Neat Mentals. Johnny Thunders, The Boys, Cheap Trick, The Peepshows, many great influences can be heard here, whether intentional or not. Much playfulness and charm, and above all the always multi-voiced singing dominate the sound of the Neat Mentals, which, of course, does not claim to reinvent the wheel but always comes across as carefree and fresh. With the closing song "Zeitverschwender," the Swabians also present a German-language song for the first time. Balanced and thick, yet with enough edge produced, "Wasteland" is a true fireworks display of cool rock'n'roll references from the last 60 years and an absolute tip for all people who wear not only leather jackets but also sunglasses at night in the bar.
Concrete Lipstick:
Back to basics and straight through – Concrete Lipstick was founded during the pandemic lockdown and already released their first album in summer 2022. The band found their individual sound, reminiscent of Skandi and 80's US punk, in the Hip Gun Studio. After just a few sessions, ten songs were created with a playing time of 20 minutes – direct, energetic, and DIY!
Event data provided by: Reservix
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ERECTION - support: Neat Mentals & Concrete Lipstick
this is juicy PPP-Punk from Regensburg. Or in full: Pussy-Penis-Power-Punk! The band stands firm at their instruments and impresses with their authentic style, the lyrics and pulsating songs that can make even the most boring step joyfully erect or moist within seconds. But what kind of crowd is hiding behind this musical wonder dream? There is Julia - the Punkqueen on vocals, as well as Heinz or Andi on the drums. Schtiefn - the sex god of Guitar - and the enchanted-excited chaotic on bass: Tino with the big dino.
ERECTION: This is sex, this is the future, this is rock'n'roll!
Neat Mentals:
Two guitars, bass, drums, everyone sings. The southern German quartet, founded in 2014, impresses with 14 new songs that sound even more vibrant and fresh than on their debut. Poppier 77's punk rock and power pop meet 90's melodic punk and early US HC-punk influences with the Neat Mentals. Johnny Thunders, The Boys, Cheap Trick, The Peepshows, many great influences can be heard here, whether intentional or not. Much playfulness and charm, and above all the always multi-voiced singing dominate the sound of the Neat Mentals, which, of course, does not claim to reinvent the wheel but always comes across as carefree and fresh. With the closing song "Zeitverschwender," the Swabians also present a German-language song for the first time. Balanced and thick, yet with enough edge produced, "Wasteland" is a true fireworks display of cool rock'n'roll references from the last 60 years and an absolute tip for all people who wear not only leather jackets but also sunglasses at night in the bar.
Concrete Lipstick:
Back to basics and straight through – Concrete Lipstick was founded during the pandemic lockdown and already released their first album in summer 2022. The band found their individual sound, reminiscent of Skandi and 80's US punk, in the Hip Gun Studio. After just a few sessions, ten songs were created with a playing time of 20 minutes – direct, energetic, and DIY!
8:30 PM
from € 18.60