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TheaterGeist, Berlin Kleiner Piet, was nun? Eine meerchenhafte Vertüddelung
Schauspiel mit Puppen und Objekten nach Miriam Koch • in deutscher Lautsprache • 40 Minuten • 7 € (Kind), 5 € (Gruppe mit JKS-Schein), 5,50 € (Gruppe ohne JKS-Schein), 10 €, ermäßigt 9 € (Erw.)
Heute ist der Tag des großen Abflugs. Alle machen sich auf die gemeinsame Reise. Nur Piet kommt zu spät, hat sich vertüddelt. »So‘n Schiet, Piet!«, kreischen die Möwen. »Jetzt bist Du ganz allein.« »Ihr werdet schon seh‘n!«, ruft Piet und macht sich auf den Weg ins Abenteuer seines Lebens. Ein Roadmovie zwischen Ostseestrand und hohem Norden, erzählt mit Fensterkitt und Windstärke 12.
Spiel: Annegret Geist Regie: Friederike Krahl Kostüm, Bühnendesign: Simone Pätzold Bühnenidee: Ensemble Bühnenbau: Bodo Hermann Klavier: Franz Geist Geräusche: Hugo Poletti Aufführungsrechte: Gerstenberg Verlag Koproduktion mit: Figurentheater MAROTTE, Karlsruhe, Kinder- und Jugendtheaterveranstalter Bayern e. V. http://www.theatergeist.de
ab 4 Wed-Fri 21.-23.5. 10:00
TheaterGeist, Berlin What Now, Little Piet? A sealike entanglement
Performance with puppets and objects based by Miriam Koch • in German spoken language • 40 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Today is the day of the big departure. Everyone sets out on the journey together. Only Piet is late, he’s in a muddle. “What a mess, Piet!” the seagulls screech. “Now you’re all alone.” “You’ll see!” cries Piet as he sets off on the adventure of his life. A road movie between the Baltic Sea beach and the far north, told with window putty and wind force 12. Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/accessibility/
Performance: Annegret Geist Direction: Friederike Krahl Costume, stage design: Simone Pätzold Idea for stage design: Ensemble Stage construction: Bodo Hermann Piano: Franz Geist Sound: Hugo Poletti Performing rights: Gerstenberg Verlag Co-production with: Figurentheater MAROTTE, Karlsruhe, Kinder- und Jugendtheaterveranstalter Bayern e. V. http://www.theatergeist.de
Spiel: Annegret Geist Regie: Friederike Krahl Kostüm, Bühnendesign: Simone Pätzold Bühnenidee: Ensemble Bühnenbau: Bodo Hermann Klavier: Franz Geist Geräusche: Hugo Poletti Aufführungsrechte: Gerstenberg Verlag Koproduktion mit: Figurentheater MAROTTE, Karlsruhe, Kinder- und Jugendtheaterveranstalter Bayern e. V. http://www.theatergeist.de
ab 4 Wed-Fri 21.-23.5. 10:00
TheaterGeist, Berlin What Now, Little Piet? A sealike entanglement
Performance with puppets and objects based by Miriam Koch • in German spoken language • 40 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Today is the day of the big departure. Everyone sets out on the journey together. Only Piet is late, he’s in a muddle. “What a mess, Piet!” the seagulls screech. “Now you’re all alone.” “You’ll see!” cries Piet as he sets off on the adventure of his life. A road movie between the Baltic Sea beach and the far north, told with window putty and wind force 12. Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/accessibility/
Performance: Annegret Geist Direction: Friederike Krahl Costume, stage design: Simone Pätzold Idea for stage design: Ensemble Stage construction: Bodo Hermann Piano: Franz Geist Sound: Hugo Poletti Performing rights: Gerstenberg Verlag Co-production with: Figurentheater MAROTTE, Karlsruhe, Kinder- und Jugendtheaterveranstalter Bayern e. V. http://www.theatergeist.de
Spiel: Annegret Geist Regie: Friederike Krahl Kostüm, Bühnendesign: Simone Pätzold Bühnenidee: Ensemble Bühnenbau: Bodo Hermann Klavier: Franz Geist Geräusche: Hugo Poletti Aufführungsrechte: Gerstenberg Verlag Koproduktion mit: Figurentheater MAROTTE, Karlsruhe, Kinder- und Jugendtheaterveranstalter Bayern e. V. http://www.theatergeist.de
ab 4 Wed-Fri 21.-23.5. 10:00
TheaterGeist, Berlin What Now, Little Piet? A sealike entanglement
Performance with puppets and objects based by Miriam Koch • in German spoken language • 40 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS Voucer), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
Today is the day of the big departure. Everyone sets out on the journey together. Only Piet is late, he’s in a muddle. “What a mess, Piet!” the seagulls screech. “Now you’re all alone.” “You’ll see!” cries Piet as he sets off on the adventure of his life. A road movie between the Baltic Sea beach and the far north, told with window putty and wind force 12. Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/accessibility/
Performance: Annegret Geist Direction: Friederike Krahl Costume, stage design: Simone Pätzold Idea for stage design: Ensemble Stage construction: Bodo Hermann Piano: Franz Geist Sound: Hugo Poletti Performing rights: Gerstenberg Verlag Co-production with: Figurentheater MAROTTE, Karlsruhe, Kinder- und Jugendtheaterveranstalter Bayern e. V. http://www.theatergeist.de