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Lydia Benecke Lecture: On Deception, Fraud, and Gaslighting Sun. 16.03.2025 / dasHaus Ludwigshafen Admission 18:00 / Start 19:00 === >>> Seating, free choice of seats TICKETS . #spreadmoreloveforLU #lydiabenecke . Fraudsters, con artists, and deceivers are everywhere; their greatest ability is the manipulation of human emotions. Those who control a person's feelings can easily exert control over their decisions. The goals of manipulators range from attention to affection, money, and status. Criminal psychologist Lydia Benecke explains the diverse methods of power exertion through manipulation using case studies. Those who believe they are immune to such strategies are under a grave misconception that has already led many to their doom. Only those who understand the psychological strategies of manipulation can consciously protect themselves from falling victim to them. (Source: Agency)