DAS MAGAZIN - Wir feiern 100 Jahre Kultmagazin
DAS MAGAZIN is still the magazine for the delighted and the crazy, for the witty, playful, and those who have remained curious. Once a month, there is a full package of life, love, literature, and poetry, guaranteed without diet tips and C-list celebrity portraits. Starting now, once a month we want to present the cult magazine here at Socie as well. Various house authors will read. These include Stefan Schwarz, Kirsten Fuchs, Franziska Hauser, Susann Rehlein, Prof. Erhard Schütz, and Anselm Neft. Kat Menschik illustrates the unmistakable covers. MAGAZIN editor-in-chief Andreas Lehmann has sifted through the archives and put together a thick extra MAGAZIN. Today he invites us on an absolutely exciting journey through 100 years of DAS MAGAZIN and thus kicks off the reading series.
DAS MAGAZIN is celebrating its 100th birthday and is likely Germany's oldest, still (and forever) published cult magazine. Founded in 1924 by the publisher and journalist F.W. Koebner and the later Hollywood director Robert Siodmak, it was discontinued during the war and was "re-established" in the GDR in 1954 with strong references to that 1920s MAGAZIN, continuing its success story: DAS MAGAZIN accompanied entire generations, reached a circulation of well over half a million, Hilde Eisler managed the magazine confidently and cosmopolitanly for decades, Werner Klemke illustrated the legendary MAGAZIN covers, and big names were always involved – Arnolt Bronnen, Sarah Kirsch, the young Christa Wolf, Helga Schubert, Stefan Heym, Erwin Strittmatter, Stephan Hermlin, as well as ambitious illustrators like Manfred Bofinger, Elizabeth Shaw, Hans Ticha, Horst Hussel, or Frank Leuchte, and photographers like Roger Melis, Arno Fischer, Helga Paris, Angela Fensch, or Sibylle Bergemann. Ridendo dicere verum – saying the truth while laughing, Arnold Zweig once wrote in and about the MAGAZIN, and it should still be that way today.
Andreas Lehmann has been an editor since the early 2000s, and for over ten years has been the editor-in-chief of DAS MAGAZIN, as well as co-publisher of the short-lived publishing house Kurznachzehn, which publishes DAS MAGAZIN. He has made documentaries as a TV writer about the Old Fritz, the history of German theater, or the fear of flying, written books (including "Go West. East Germans in America," "The New Ten Commandments. How Education Experts, Health Fetishists, and Militant Non-Smokers Became the Priests of Our Time," "Getting Married is Good Against Depression... and What American Scientists Have Discovered Elsewhere"), works as a ghostwriter, and once "secretly" and under a pseudonym smuggled one of his early, of course unpublished, youth poems into the magazine by virtue of his office – which went unnoticed by anyone. It raises the question of whether that is a good or bad sign.
Reading: Andreas Lehmann
Duration: approx. 90 minutes