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The Death At The Code! ist eine postdigitale Performance, die Gamedesign und Tanz, menschliche und nichtmenschliche Performer*innen zusammenbringt. Monstrositäten sind beide: Der biologische Körper in ständigem Verfall und die ewige Darstellung ohne Vorstellung von Tod und Leben, für immer gefangen zwischen den Welten. In einem Referenz-Remix aus TikTok, Meme- und Gaming-Kultur, Cyberpunk und Gothic konzentriert sich die Performance auf Lücken und Fehlübersetzungen. Das Selbst erstreckt sich über das gesamte Spektrum des Phygitalen, dem Physischen und Digitalen – zwischen Körper und Repräsentation verschwimmt jegliche Subjektivität. Code, Tanz, Pixel, Sehnsucht, Hardware, Hormone, Knochen, Haut – alles kann ins andere übersetzt und in endlosen Konstellationen verlinkt werden. Dieses Cyborg-Werden ist weder schmerzfrei noch strikt utopisch. Stattdessen verlangt es konstante Aushandlungen von Tod, Begehren und Existenz.Technologie zwingt der Produktion ihre eigenen Ansprüche auf – Rache für die Ketzerei, ein Wesen zu erschaffen, das nie zum Leben erweckt werden kann. Das Metahuman, ein Vampir in der Nacht des Codes, tanzt mit Körpern aus Fleisch und Muskeln. The Death At The Code! findet Schönheit im Grotesken, in der offenen Wunde, im Glitch.
Dauer: 90 Min.The Death At The Code! is a post-digital performance that brings together game design and dance, human and non-human performers. Monstrosities are both: the biological body in constant decay and the eternal representation without any notion of death and life, forever trapped between worlds. In a reference remix from TikTok, meme and gaming culture, cyberpunk and gothic, the performance focuses on gaps and mistranslations. The self extends across the entire spectrum of the phygital, the physical and digital – between body and representation, all subjectivity blurs. Code, dance, pixels, longing, hardware, hormones, bones, skin – everything can be translated into the other and linked in endless constellations. This becoming-cyborg is neither pain-free nor strictly utopian. Instead, it demands constant negotiations of death, desire, and existence. Technology imposes its own demands on production – revenge for the heresy of creating a being that can never be brought to life. The metahuman, a vampire in the night of the code, dances with bodies of flesh and muscle. The Death At The Code! finds beauty in the grotesque, in the open wound, in the glitch.
This HAUI is a hit NDR KULTURJOURNAL 90.3 April 2024 HP Lengkeit humorously pokes fun at Carpendale’s attitudes, so charmingly and respectfully that it is a joy. (…) In short: One doesn’t have to like Carpendale to love “Haui.” MOPO HAMBURG April 2024
Despite all the irony and parody, a respectful piece of schlager theater has been achieved: Fantastic entertainment. Rarely laughed so much. I didn't become a Howard-Carpendale fan. But a HAUi fan. Cheers, long applause, calls for encores. A must-see! WAZ ESSEN September 2023
A rare artistic trick. Schlager, mockery, mischief. NRZ OBERHAUSEN April 2023
Oh, what a great evening! “Footprints in the Sand” HP Lengkeit, Peter Engelhardt! Go see it! It's worth it. Don’t worry, most who attend will claim they don’t know any Carpendale songs, just like tonight. Strange though, that the whole house sang along!” LA SIGNORA alias Carmela de Feo April 2023
The most important part of this evening is, of course, the songs by Howard Carpendale with which Heinz Peter Lengkeit - the most wonderful Haui we can imagine - together with Peter Engelhardt on guitar, tells the story of a life. Most of this story is true. And even if many people in the audience think they are not Carpendale fans, they can still sing along to every song. To their own astonishment. HP Lengkeit is comedic, sometimes silly, and very personal. Is this a tribute to Carpendale? Yes, definitely. A look back at all the years in which German pop music has repeatedly changed? That too! What remains is music-frozen longing! FRAU JAHNKE 2023
Finally. The funniest program of all time. Highly intelligent music comedy at its finest, which is almost cabaret-like. HP Lengkeit 2024