Nachhaltigkeit und konviviale Lebensformen
The lecture seeks answers to the question of what we can concretely do in light of the climate and biodiversity crisis.
I am skeptical about approaches that aim to describe environmental crises solely as a problem of political governance. In contrast, I propose to intensify the search for sustainable forms of life. Here, I connect to debates on "strong" sustainability and "convivialism." We will only be able to face ecological crises successfully if we manage to establish forms of life that can be experienced joyfully, which are accompanied by greater mindfulness and foresight. Paths to more sustainability would initially be detours, delays, interruptions, moments of pause, and shaking off problematic routines, but above all, paths that require all our courage and creativity. The perspective on a successful human life for present and future generations that is not exclusively trapped in the cycle of paid work and consumption, as well as the insight that human life in its full integrity remains dependent on successful relationships with a non-human nature, could motivate us towards more sustainability.
Andreas Hetzel, Prof. Dr., teaches philosophy at the University of Hildesheim. He studied philosophy, German studies, and journalism in Münster and Frankfurt am Main. He completed his doctorate and habilitation in Darmstadt. He has held positions at philosophical institutes in Chemnitz, Darmstadt, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Vienna, Magdeburg, and Istanbul. His areas of work include: philosophy of language, political philosophy, cultural and social philosophy, environmental ethics. He is a speaker of the DFG Graduate College 2477 "Aesthetic Practice" (2019-2023) and co-editor of the General Journal of Philosophy (since 2015). Selected publications: Zwischen Poiesis und Praxis. Elemente einer kritischen Theorie der Kultur (Würzburg 2001); Die Wirksamkeit der Rede. Zur Aktualität klassischer Rhetorik für die moderne Sprachphilosophie (Bielefeld 2011); Vielfalt achten. Eine Ethik der Biodiversität (Bielefeld 2024)