Harry G
In 2024, Harry G will launch his new comedy program titled "HoamStories". Meaner and more biting than ever, Harry G tackles current topics to break them down on stage in his HoamStories.
"He ain't afraid of shit." Comedian Harry G couldn't be described more fittingly than with this edgy Bavarian saying. His shows thrive on situational comedy and self-irony, and his talent for observing the little things of everyday life, then humorously, grumpily, or with a healthy dose of cynicism, categorizing them in his unique way.
In his HoamStories, Harry G brings the latest observations from his everyday life to the stage, where the audience will recognize themselves with awkward familiarity. Harry G challenges the Bavarian self-image of "Mia san Mia" and presents himself as a contemporary and cosmopolitan ambassador of Bavarian lifestyle, who has little to do with "Bussi Bussi" and "Schickeria". Sardonically and unabashedly, he describes his perspective with so much wit, grumpiness, and physicality that no eye remains dry. Almost always laughing, but sometimes also because certain quirks are simply tear-inducing. Whether self-care fanatics, start-up Ingos, yoga blackbirds, smartphone junkies, prosecco divas, or self-optimizers - nothing and no one escapes his unique grumpiness - and his chain-smoking friend Alfons also gets a say. An evening with Harry G is not for resting - it's an evening full of energy and subtle yet bitingly dark comedy that the viewer cannot resist. After a show by Harry G, one feels just as exhausted as after a brisk ascent to the Wallberg, but from laughing.
His live performances are refreshingly biting, his Bavarian grumpiness sometimes politically incorrect, and his video clips are cult. With his explicit words, short fuse, and cynical fearlessness towards everything and everyone, Harry G quickly earned himself a solid place in the German comedy scene.
Harry G is currently the best Bavarian comedy has to offer.
The new Harry G show, HoamStories, kicks off in January 2024 with live dates in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.