Sunday, 6/22/2025 at 2:00 PM
Sunday, 6/22/2025
at 2:00 PM
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Unser Kinderdisco Delfin „Dizzy Disco” feiert „Aqua Party”!
Flossenfreunde aufgepasst: Ihr dürft Euer blaues Wunder erleben! Denn unser Discodelfin Dizzy Disco präsentiert ihr heiß ersehntes Debütalbum. „Aqua Party“ heißt ihr glitzerndes Werk und umfasst 18 Tracks, mit denen eine blauwalgroße Ladung gute Laune samt Tiefgang angespült wird. Mit dabei ist ihr grauer Freund DIKKA auf der neusten Single „Badewannensong“.
Dizzy wohnt mit ihrer Ocean Crew in der Lagune Nr. 3 und singt am liebsten über ihre Lieblingsdinge: Freundschaft, Mut, das Meer und seine Bewohner, Umweltschutz, Superkräfte, und natürlich… Aqua Party! Zieht Euch wasserfest an, denn mit diesem sprudelnden Album tanzt Ihr einmal durch die Weltmeere.
Gleich in ihrer ersten Singleauskopplung „Ich bin Dizzy“ nimmt das Discodelfin-Mädchen Euch mit ins bunte Korallenriff der Lagune Nr. 3. Ein salziger Ort, wo sie gemeinsam mit ihrer Ocean Crew zu Disco Pop Musik - aber auch gerne mal zu Zumba, Tango, oder Breakdance - im Takt die Flosse schwingt.
Weiter geht’s mit ihrer Single „Genau Gut“. Dizzy reicht Euch hier als gute Freundin ihre Flosse, um genau den jenigen Selbstbewusstsein zu schenken, die es in machen Momenten ganz besonders benötigen. Der Song soll Kids dazu ermutigen, ihre Stärken und Besonderheiten kennzulernen und zu feiern, weil jeder „genau gut“ ist, wie er ist.
Bunt, poppig und sprudelig darf dabei auch gerne mal aus der Reihe getanzt werden.
Doch hinter den blubbernden Disco Sounds steckt eine ebenso wichtige Message. Jeder zweite Atemzug wird für uns von Mikroorganismen aus dem Meer gefiltert. Wir alle tragen Verantwortung, um das zu retten, was Dizzy ihr „Paradies“ nennt. Und damit das blaue Wunder auch noch lange so bleibt, motiviert Dizzy in ihrem Song „Im Meer“, auf jedes noch so kleine und große Herz im Ozean aufzupassen und das Blau unserer wunderschönen Erde zu schützen.
Aber damit nicht genug! Dickhäutige Verstärkung gibt’s auch vom rappenden Nashorn DIKKA, das mit dem
„Badewannensong“ und fetten Beats zu einer aquatastischen Planschparty mit ganz viel Blubberblasen und
Schaum einlädt. Dreht schon mal die Wanne auf!
Mit magischschönen Songs wie dem „Mondfisch“ und „Einfach nur Kind“ zeigt Dizzy uns ihr großes Delfinherz, in dem mindestens genauso viel Platz ist, wie im Ozean selbst. Dizzy macht Meeresmusik zum Mitfühlen und beweist dies auch in ihrem Song „Ich heb’s wieder auf“, der an das Umweltbewusstsein aller kleinen und großen Zuhörer appelliert und motivierend erklärt, wie wir unsere Welt sauber halten können, ohne Plastikmüll.
Und auch beim „Tanzlied“ und „Ich sehe was, was Du nicht siehst“ sowie „Gib Flosse“ ist Mitmachen und -tanzen angesagt. Passende Choreografien mit allen Tanzschritten gibt es dazu auf Youtube.
Zu guter Letzt taucht pünktlich zum Albumrelease die Power-Single „Superkraft“ aus dem Ozean auf, in der
Dizzy ihre geliebte Ocean Crew mit all ihren Besonderheiten und Special Effects vorstellt. Wer braucht schon
Superhelden, wenn man die coolste tierische Crew des Ozeans an seiner Seite hat? Und seine eigene Superkraft noch dazu! Eines ist auf jeden Fall gewiss, wer mit Dizzy mittanzt, hat nicht nur jede Menge Spaß, sondern tut auch noch etwas Gutes zum Schutz unserer Meere. Ein Euro jeder verkauften CD fließt an zaubertolle Meeresschutzprojekte. Macht’s wie Dizzy und geht den Besonderheiten unserer Meere mit ihrer Ocean Crew singend und tanzend auf den Grund!
PS: Nur für Kinder mit wasserfesten Eltern. Bei vermehrtem Konsum kann es zur erhöhten Ausschüttung von
Dance-opamin, Vitamin Sea und Korallotin kommen. Viel Spaß
Einlass: 13:00 Uhr
Our children's disco dolphin "Dizzy Disco" is celebrating "Aqua Party"!
Fins friends, listen up: You get to experience your blue miracle! Because our disco dolphin Dizzy Disco presents her highly anticipated debut album. "Aqua Party" is the name of her glittering work, which includes 18 tracks that wash in a gigantic wave of good mood and depth. Her gray friend DIKKA is featured on the latest single "Bathtub Song."
Dizzy lives with her Ocean Crew in Lagoon No. 3 and loves to sing about her favorite things: friendship, courage, the sea and its inhabitants, environmental protection, superpowers, and of course… Aqua Party! Get dressed waterproof because with this sparkling album, you will dance through the world's oceans.
Right in her first single "I am Dizzy," the disco dolphin girl takes you into the colorful coral reef of Lagoon No. 3. A salty place where she swings her fin to disco pop music - but also loves to Zumba, Tango, or breakdance in rhythm.
Next up is her single "Exactly Good." Here, Dizzy extends her fin as a good friend to give confidence to those who particularly need it in some moments. The song aims to encourage kids to discover and celebrate their strengths and uniqueness because everyone is "exactly good" just the way they are.
Colorful, poppy, and bubbly, it's also okay to break out of the mold and dance a little differently.
But behind the bubbling disco sounds lies an equally important message. Every second breath is filtered for us by microorganisms from the sea. We all have a responsibility to save what Dizzy calls her "paradise." And to ensure that the blue miracle remains for a long time, Dizzy motivates us in her song "In the Sea" to look after every little and big heart in the ocean and protect the blue of our beautiful Earth.
But that's not all! There’s also hefty support from the rapping rhino DIKKA, who invites you to an aqua-tastic splashing party with lots of bubbles and foam with the "Bathtub Song" and fat beats. Turn on the tub already!
With magically beautiful songs like "Moonfish" and "Just Being a Child," Dizzy shows us her big dolphin heart, which has just as much space as the ocean itself. Dizzy creates ocean music to feel with and proves this in her song "I’ll Pick It Up Again," which appeals to the environmental consciousness of all young and old listeners and explains motivatingly how we can keep our world clean without plastic waste.
And also in "Dance Song" and "I See What You Don’t See" as well as "Give Fin," it's all about participation and dancing along. Matching choreographies with all dance steps are available on YouTube.
Finally, just in time for the album release, the power single "Superpower" pops up from the ocean, in which Dizzy introduces her beloved Ocean Crew with all its special features and effects. Who needs superheroes when you have the coolest animal crew of the ocean by your side? And your own superpower on top of that! One thing is for sure, those who dance with Dizzy not only have a lot of fun but also do something good for the protection of our seas. One euro from every sold CD goes to magical marine protection projects. Be like Dizzy and dive into the uniqueness of our seas with her Ocean Crew singing and dancing!
PS: Only for children with waterproof parents. Increased consumption may lead to an elevated release of dance-opamine, Vitamin Sea, and coralotin. Have fun!
Entry: 1:00 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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Our children's disco dolphin "Dizzy Disco" is celebrating "Aqua Party"!
Fins friends, listen up: You get to experience your blue miracle! Because our disco dolphin Dizzy Disco presents her highly anticipated debut album. "Aqua Party" is the name of her glittering work, which includes 18 tracks that wash in a gigantic wave of good mood and depth. Her gray friend DIKKA is featured on the latest single "Bathtub Song."
Dizzy lives with her Ocean Crew in Lagoon No. 3 and loves to sing about her favorite things: friendship, courage, the sea and its inhabitants, environmental protection, superpowers, and of course… Aqua Party! Get dressed waterproof because with this sparkling album, you will dance through the world's oceans.
Right in her first single "I am Dizzy," the disco dolphin girl takes you into the colorful coral reef of Lagoon No. 3. A salty place where she swings her fin to disco pop music - but also loves to Zumba, Tango, or breakdance in rhythm.
Next up is her single "Exactly Good." Here, Dizzy extends her fin as a good friend to give confidence to those who particularly need it in some moments. The song aims to encourage kids to discover and celebrate their strengths and uniqueness because everyone is "exactly good" just the way they are.
Colorful, poppy, and bubbly, it's also okay to break out of the mold and dance a little differently.
But behind the bubbling disco sounds lies an equally important message. Every second breath is filtered for us by microorganisms from the sea. We all have a responsibility to save what Dizzy calls her "paradise." And to ensure that the blue miracle remains for a long time, Dizzy motivates us in her song "In the Sea" to look after every little and big heart in the ocean and protect the blue of our beautiful Earth.
But that's not all! There’s also hefty support from the rapping rhino DIKKA, who invites you to an aqua-tastic splashing party with lots of bubbles and foam with the "Bathtub Song" and fat beats. Turn on the tub already!
With magically beautiful songs like "Moonfish" and "Just Being a Child," Dizzy shows us her big dolphin heart, which has just as much space as the ocean itself. Dizzy creates ocean music to feel with and proves this in her song "I’ll Pick It Up Again," which appeals to the environmental consciousness of all young and old listeners and explains motivatingly how we can keep our world clean without plastic waste.
And also in "Dance Song" and "I See What You Don’t See" as well as "Give Fin," it's all about participation and dancing along. Matching choreographies with all dance steps are available on YouTube.
Finally, just in time for the album release, the power single "Superpower" pops up from the ocean, in which Dizzy introduces her beloved Ocean Crew with all its special features and effects. Who needs superheroes when you have the coolest animal crew of the ocean by your side? And your own superpower on top of that! One thing is for sure, those who dance with Dizzy not only have a lot of fun but also do something good for the protection of our seas. One euro from every sold CD goes to magical marine protection projects. Be like Dizzy and dive into the uniqueness of our seas with her Ocean Crew singing and dancing!
PS: Only for children with waterproof parents. Increased consumption may lead to an elevated release of dance-opamine, Vitamin Sea, and coralotin. Have fun!
Entry: 1:00 PM
2:00 PM
from € 16.40