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Die Verwandlung bildet den Grund aller Theaterkunst. Ohne Masken und Gestaltwechsel, ohne sprechende Puppen im szenischen Zauberkreis keine Transformation. Diese Eigenschaft teilt das Wasser, der Grundbaustein des Lebens, mit dem Dasein auf der Bühne. Wie kein anderer Stoff kann dieses Element unzählige Aggregatzustände annehmen, heute Welle, morgen Wolke und übermorgen Tropfen, Eiszapfen oder Schneeflocke. Augenblicklich verleiht die Erderwärmung dieser akrobatischen Eigenschaft zusätzlichen Schwung. Nur wenig Zentimeter hohe Bäche mutieren in wenigen Stunden zu reißenden Strömen, die Autos durch Ortschaften spülen; Sturzregen überfluten U-Bahnschächte und setzen in kurzer Zeit urbane Verkehrssysteme außer Kraft, während die arktischen Eisschilde splittern und der steigende Meeresspiegel ganze Inselgruppen offenbar unaufhaltsam mit dem Untergang bedroht. Mit Schauspiel, Tanz, Musik, Video, Puppen, Experten, ausgewiesenen Wasserratten begibt sich das Ensemble des Theaters des Anthropozän zusammen mit RambaZamba-Schauspielerin Shirly Klengel auf eine wilde Reise in die Wunderwelt der Metamorphosen des Wassers. Eine Expedition, die fragt, was dessen Veränderbarkeit und Neigung zum Formwechsel für die nahe Zukunft bedeutet. Wie lässt sich unser Verhältnis zu dieser liquiden Substanz gestalten, welcher Umgang mit ihr empfiehlt sich, soll unsere Existenzweise nicht den Bach runtergehen. Birgt dieser Stoff, dessen Vorhandenheit bislang so selbstverständlich war, noch unentdeckte Potentiale? Was bedeutet zum Beispiel die Tatsache, dass das Wasser der Ozeane eine mineralische Zusammensetzung aufweist, die der unserer Körperflüssigkeiten entspricht? Was verrät uns die Schönheit der Seerosen? Warum leuchten manche Geschöpfe der Tiefsee, dringt bis dort doch kein einziger Lichtstrahl? Das Stück entsteht im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit des RZts mit dem Theater des Anthropozän und dem Projekt AnthropoScenes, das von dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und dem Land Berlin im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie von Bund und Ländern durch die Berlin University Alliance gefördert wird.The transformation forms the foundation of all theater art. Without masks and changes of shape, without speaking puppets in the scenic magic circle, there is no transformation. This characteristic is shared by water, the building block of life, with existence on stage. Like no other substance, this element can take on countless states of matter, today wave, tomorrow cloud, and the day after tomorrow drop, icicle, or snowflake. Instantly, global warming gives this acrobatic quality additional momentum. Mere centimeters high streams mutate into raging torrents within hours, washing cars through towns; heavy rainfall floods subway shafts and renders urban transportation systems inoperable in a short time, while the Arctic ice shields splinter, and the rising sea level seemingly threatens entire island groups with extinction relentlessly. With acting, dance, music, video, puppets, experts, and seasoned water enthusiasts, the ensemble of the Theater of the Anthropocene, along with RambaZamba actress Shirly Klengel, embarks on a wild journey into the wonderland of the metamorphoses of water. An expedition that asks what its changeability and tendency to change form mean for the near future. How can we shape our relationship with this liquid substance, what approach is advisable so that our way of existence does not go down the drain? Does this substance, whose presence has so far seemed so self-evident, still hold undiscovered potentials? What does it mean, for example, that the water of the oceans has a mineral composition that corresponds to that of our body fluids? What does the beauty of the water lilies tell us? Why do some creatures of the deep sea glow, even though not a single ray of light penetrates there? The piece is being created as part of the collaboration between RZt and the Theater of the Anthropocene and the project AnthropoScenes, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the State of Berlin as part of the excellence strategy of the federal and state governments through the Berlin University Alliance.
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS voucher), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
The decision of the student parliament has been made: the motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin.
Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
Performance: Students of the Erika-Mann Primary School Direction: Colleagues of the Theater Conference Co-operation with: Schaubude Berlin
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS voucher), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
The decision of the student parliament has been made: the motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin.
Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
Performance: Students of the Erika-Mann Primary School Direction: Colleagues of the Theater Conference Co-operation with: Schaubude Berlin
A play for schoolchildren by schoolchildren • in German spoken language • 60 minutes • 7 € (Children), 5 € (Groups with JKS voucher), 5.50 € (Groups without JKS voucher), 10 € (Adults), Reduced Price 9 € (Adults)
The decision of the student parliament has been made: the motto for this year’s festival at the Erika Mann Elementary School is “water is life”. In making this decision, the students will set off on the search for stories about water, conduct research into the topic of water and develop ideas together from which movement sequences, scenes, collages and small pieces of theater can be made that will then be presented on stage of Schaubude Berlin.
Water - water in different conditions - climate changes…
Performance: Students of the Erika-Mann Primary School Direction: Colleagues of the Theater Conference Co-operation with: Schaubude Berlin