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Auch dieses Jahr bringt die Theatergruppe Ergolding ein neues Stück auf die Bühne. Mit der Krimikomödie "Da kahle Krempling" aus der Feder von Peter Landstorfer entführen wir Sie ins 19. Jahrhundert in die Biedermeierzeit. Die Tante Paula lädt Ihre Verwandten und potentiellen Erben wie immer zum Geburtstagsdinner ein. Doch dieses Jahr ist auf einmal alles anders. Ein neuer Gast taucht auf und die Wünsche der Tante werden immer Anspruchsvoller. Lassen Sie sich überraschen.
Thu 5.12. 20:00 Revival Fri+Sat 6.+7.12. 20:00 Sun 8.12. 19:00
Friederike Krahl, Karlsruhe und Melanie Sowa, Berlin
Über den Klee oder Der Knochen in meinem Kopf (About Klee or the Bones in My Head)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language • 75 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
The painter Klee is standing at his easel and is searching for the unique expression of his own self. He is struggling for truth and the ability to pay his next month’s rent and is bowled over by recognition, visited by doubts, made a slave to fortune and paints himself as immortal, until death comes to claim him.
Klee’s characters move between this world and the next, reflecting the universe of the artist with humor and irony, making caricatures of contemporaries, portraying the difficulties of finding yourself, the glory of one’s later years and the tragedy that comes at the end of one’s life.
The piece provides insights into the life of an artist in the transformative times of the early modern era as puppet theater, as Klee described it and lived it many times over.
Thu 5.12. 20:00 Revival Fri+Sat 6.+7.12. 20:00 Sun 8.12. 19:00
Friederike Krahl, Karlsruhe und Melanie Sowa, Berlin
Über den Klee oder Der Knochen in meinem Kopf (About Klee or the Bones in My Head)
Puppet theater • in German spoken language • 75 minutes • €16.50, reduced €11.50
The painter Klee is standing at his easel and is searching for the unique expression of his own self. He is struggling for truth and the ability to pay his next month’s rent and is bowled over by recognition, visited by doubts, made a slave to fortune and paints himself as immortal, until death comes to claim him.
Klee’s characters move between this world and the next, reflecting the universe of the artist with humor and irony, making caricatures of contemporaries, portraying the difficulties of finding yourself, the glory of one’s later years and the tragedy that comes at the end of one’s life.
The piece provides insights into the life of an artist in the transformative times of the early modern era as puppet theater, as Klee described it and lived it many times over.