Das große Adventskonzert - Die Alpenländische Weihnacht
The success secret:
“THE GRAND ADVENT CONCERT - THE ALPINE CHRISTMAS” premiered on December 10, 1995, in the world-famous Basilica of Ottobeuren before around 4,000 enthusiastic listeners. Its uniqueness lies in the homogeneous fusion of word and music, guaranteeing the audience a special musical experience. In a brilliant manner, it succeeds in connecting the biblical story of the birth of Christ with the alpine landscape and culture, bringing it close to every concert-goer. An artistic concept was developed from a variety of recordings, maintaining its exclusivity through new arrangements for choir and brass players, alongside original compositions, and due to its great success, it can be found on CD.
The artists:
The high-caliber lineup, including CHRISTIAN WOLFF (narrator), the REGENSBURG DOMSPATZEN, the brass sextet ENSEMBLE CLASSIQUE, and the harpist, is an ideal combination from an artistic standpoint. While the REGENSBURG DOMSPATZEN have been at the international forefront for a few years, the brass artists led by Winfried Roch have recently caused a stir with their acclaimed concert performances around the globe. Productions with Sony Classical and Universal Classics underscore their outstanding position. And it is well known that Christian Wolff knows how to speak from the heart. He is accompanied by the sensitive sounds of the harp.
The plot:
THE ALPINE CHRISTMAS is thematically divided, ranging from the "Annunciation" through the "Search for an inn," to the "Shepherds" at the "Manger." Radiant boys' voices and festive brass sounds proclaim the joyful message of the divine miracle and alternate with Christmas choruses and brass sections. Harp interludes convey peace and unite music with the narrated text.
Christian Wolff reads stories by Silja Welte, Jörg Zink, and Karl Heinrich Waggerl. Waggerl has pursued the events of Christmas night more than any other event. Christian Wolff vividly and emotionally portrays Waggerl's impressions of the Alpine Christmas, combining thoughtfulness with humor. Wolff's typical storytelling style, always infused with an exceptionally fine sense of humor, appeals to both younger and older generations. Wolff's interpretations evoke a deep sense of humanity in the listener and transport them to a fairy-tale world. And they always culminate in the admonition that “the Lord did not come to us to make us more intelligent, but kinder.”
Relevance of the Alpine Christmas:
The presentation of the Alpine Christmas in this new and unique form, despite all its artistic splendor, has a much deeper meaning: times have become more fleeting - stress and hustle and bustle are becoming more prominent, especially during the Christmas season. Therefore, this interpretation of the Alpine Christmas aims not only to prepare the listener for the upcoming Christmas season but also to awaken, move, and make them reflective.
Doors open at 3:00 PM.