Thursday, 12/19/2024
at 10:00 AM

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Fairy tale play based on Hans Christian Andersen
Stage adaptation by Manuel Schöbel

The emperor loves to dress in the most splendid fabrics. So it’s no wonder that two swindlers take advantage of this passion. They promise him the most extraordinary clothes, which also possess the wonderful property of being invisible to anyone who is unfit for their job or is hopelessly foolish. Since no one from the entire court wants to be the first to admit they cannot see the clothes, the two swindlers can simulate activity for weeks without weaving a single thread. And so, the emperor eventually struts along in his nonexistent garment before his subjects, until a child's voice reveals the obvious.
The artistic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen from 1837 tells how easily the powerful can be corrupted and that it always takes brave souls to dare to speak the unavoidable truth.

DIRECTION Steffen Pietsch
STAGE & COSTUME Katharina Lorenz
MUSIC Sebastian Undisz
DRAMATURGY Elisabeth Guzy

Age recommendation: from 5 years

Entrance: 9:30 AM

No tickets available here

Event data provided by: Reservix