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Alle Jahre wieder gibt es feinsten Christmasjazz vom Nürnberger Pianistinchristkind Victoria Pohl. Neben geschmackvoll arrangierten Weihnachtshits kommt auch die Unterhaltung und der Humor nicht zu kurz. Ein amüsanter, kaminatmosphärisch, lockerer Adventssamstagabend wird somit garantiert.Every year again, there is the finest Christmas jazz from the Nuremberg pianist Christmas angel Victoria Pohl. Alongside tastefully arranged Christmas hits, entertainment and humor are also not overlooked. An amusing, cozy, and relaxed Advent Saturday evening is thus guaranteed.
She is considered one of the least influential artists of her generation... and has made a name for herself as "the no-hit wonder from the Bavarian Forest": The fearless KARIN RABHANSL creates darkly colorful singer-songwriter music in High German and Lower Bavarian, and sometimes in English if urgency demands it.
Lyrically, it’s about winners and losers, monsters and superheroes, loneliness, farewells, and betrayed dreams. It’s about the ride of life and the understanding that the world is not inherently good or bad, but often just a tricky place – strange and beautiful yet filled with pitfalls and shallows.
The keyword is: DIALECT RIOT! "I am a guitar girl," says the Lower Bavarian girl with the colorful striped stockings, who refuses to be pigeonholed stylistically yet knows exactly where she comes from and what she wants. No worries: Despite the sometimes dark undertones, we can envision KARIN RABHANSL as a happy person.