Kapitalismus am Limit? Sozialphilosophischer Thementag
Kapitalismus am Limit?
Sozialphilosophischer Thementag
Sat, May 10, 2025, 9:30 AM–4:30 PM
In spring 2024, the authors of "Imperial Lifestyle," the political scientists Dr. Markus Wissen and Dr. Ulrich Brand, presented new political-economic answers to the late-capitalist death grip and system blockage: "Kapitalismus am Limit." They ask: Can a Green Capitalism be realized? – And could this actually solve the ecological and social crises? Or will authoritarian politicians secure the fossil system and our imperial lifestyle with violence? What impact do the increasing global political tensions have on effective climate policy? Their components of a solidarity alternative: self-limitation, resilience, collectivization, and transformative cells! We critically question from different perspectives the dignity of their crisis description, the persuasive power, and the scope of their social theory as a transformative system intervention.
· Dr. Ulrich Brand, political scientist, Professor of International Politics at the University of Vienna, co-author of "Imperial Lifestyle" and "Kapitalismus am Limit," Vienna
· Dr. Rainer Hank, economic journalist, publicist, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Frankfurt
· Ulrike Herrmann, economic journalist, publicist, Tageszeitung (TAZ), Berlin
· Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Urban, executive board member of IG Metall, honorary professor of sociology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Frankfurt
· Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hürtgen, social scientist, University of Salzburg
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