Freitag, 20.09.2024
um 19:30 Uhr

In the aftermath of a life-shattering accident, a married couple find themselves drifting perilously apart. “Rabbit Hole” charts their bittersweet search for comfort in the darkest of places … and for a path that will lead them back up into the light of day.

Becca – Sarah Macey
Izzy – Emma Merrit
Howie – Alexander Hemus
Nat – Katja Sassi-Bucsit
Jason – Leon Gacheru

Director: Michael Ennis
Assistant Director: Hazem Elessawy
Producer: Julie Ng
Stage Manager: Aleksandra Galaganova
Light and Sound Tech: Patrick O’Sullivan
Set Designer: Julie Ng
Props Master: Aleksandra Galaganova
Costume Designer: Ornela Giolla
Assistant Props Master: Aditya Singh
Assistant Props Master: Philip Carr

Eventdaten bereitgestellt von: Reservix