Celebrating a ten-year relationship with touring Germany, Swedish indie-rock act Dear Joe is back for four shows where it all started ten years ago. Recognized for their stage presence and vigilance in joining energy and the passion for music, the band promises to leave no one disappointed. As usual they return to the stage with a mix of recognizable songs and alongside the favourites the show will be filled with unreleased material even stronger than before.

The Swedish indie-rock band DEAR JOE was founded in 2011 and have since the release of the full-length album The Broken Diamond (2015) been frequently touring Germany and the Netherlands. The live performances mixed with creative processes off stage have formed their unique live act. With roots from the indie-pop, rock and folk genres have by time reshaped and developed the musical expression with a heavy and deep sound combined with fragility and nerve. DEAR JOE have created their own version of indie-pop/ rock, where focus lies on beautifully composed melodies that are framed in graceful grandeur and power.

Einlass 19:00 Uhr
Beginn 20:00 Uhr

Einlass: 19:00 Uhr

Eventdaten bereitgestellt von: Reservix