Tuesday, 12/3/2024 to Friday, 12/6/2024

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Interested schools and teachers can register at: andrzej.kolinski@instytutpolski.pl

POLE-POSITION. The "Polish Project Day for Schools in NRW" is the result of a joint initiative between the Polish Institute in Düsseldorf and the Ministry of School and Further Education of NRW in the spring of 2005. Due to its consistent regularity and its appeal to all types of schools, this educational project has achieved exceptional status.

The full-day event, now held frequently several times a month and free of charge for schools, is aimed at students from the secondary level II who are preparing for exchange visits with Polish schools or classes, or who want to learn more about Poland. The project units include: Crash course on Polish-German history; Workshops on cultural similarities and differences between Poland and Germany; Young scene in Poland; Poland on the internet; Polish literature; Polish language taster course; Polish geography; Politics: Poland-Germany-EU, providing students from secondary schools with an attractively designed, modern, and comprehensive perspective on their neighbors.


By appointment

Event data provided by: Kulturkurier

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