Tuesday, 7/16/2024
at 6:30 PM

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Summer vibes and deep emotions await you at the open-air reading by bestselling author Lilly Lucas! »This could be love« is the start of her new New Adult trilogy »Hawaii Love«. In the first book, tennis shooting star Louisa travels to Hawaii and soon has to question who plays the number one role in her life: sports or love…

We bring you the beach vibes and the special feel-good atmosphere that Lilly Lucas is known for to a very special place: the Beach Volleyball Court of Grün-Weiß Eimsbüttel. The GWE beach is located directly at the clubhouse on Julius-Vosseler-Straße 195 (22527 Hamburg – Lokstedt, U2 – Lutterothstr.).

Bring a beach towel or beach chair, pack sunscreen and a summer hat, and experience Lilly Lucas live in Hamburg. We look forward to seeing you!

The book will be released on July 1, 2024.

Admittance from 6:00 PM

No tickets available here

Event data provided by: Reservix

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