In 20 years, much otherworldly has accumulated at SCHWARZBLOND. A good reason to unite the most beautiful, craziest, and most extravagant songs & costumes in a SCHWARZBLOND JUBILÄUMSSPEKTAKEL.
This will be OH LA LA!!!
This will be WOW!!!!
Benny Hiller: He is the androgynous Latin Lover at the piano. His four-octave voice leaves no emotional response untouched. With airy pop singing, soprano highs, and everything in between, he brings his audience to laughter, amazement, and goosebumps. Skillfully and with great passion, he also presents less-known instruments like Didgeridoo, Darbuka, or Spaceguitar. He is the composer and lyricist of the very melodic, groovy, and partly hit-worthy songs.
His blonde half, Monella Caspar - a Berlin original, fashion designer, and style icon - is the Lady Chameleon. As if sprung from a Fellini film, she slips into every role, from elf-like to wicked, from clown woman to Berlin girl. With her different facets and the extraordinary self-designed costumes, she is an experience like no other.