Thursday, 10/3/2024
at 8:00 PM

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The magician Christoph Demian gets around. A lot, actually! In doing so, he meets and loves artists from various disciplines. And because these people are so amazing in their own unique ways, they are invited.

The Mainz Unterhaus presents the big clash of all thinkable and unthinkable art forms: Poetry and Madness!

Comedy meets Magic meets Slam Poetry meets Music meets Cabaret meets Artistry meets Comedy and hits you right in the limbic system. Each act is different, each show a unique piece. Guests from all over the German-speaking world show what they can do, while the perpetually childish host celebrates his chaotic life live on stage, driving employees, technicians, the audience, but above all himself, into madness. At least in a highly poetic way.

Irresistibly cheeky, pleasantly shameless, darn good, and never boring for a single moment.

Event data provided by: Reservix

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