Junge Stücke - Schulaufführung
The performances present two pieces each from young dancers from Potsdam and Brandenburg, who dance regularly under professional guidance. They are adolescents between 15 and 18 years old from the seminar courses in dance at the New Gymnasium Potsdam, the tanzWERKSTATT Cottbus, the young company tanzparcours Potsdam, and the JugendTanzCompany of the fabrik. Everyone brings their own themes and visions to the stage in different, dance expressions: diverse, surprising, loud, and gentle! Whether it's the different qualities of water, connection and separation, realizing individual dreams, brave lone fighters, or strong groups – all young dancers are looking for ways to translate their feelings and inner processes outward. It’s about cohesion, trust, and the joy of dancing!
In simple language:
In the performances, young dancers from Potsdam and Brandenburg showcase their pieces. They are between 15 and 18 years old and dance regularly under professional guidance. It’s about water, dreams, connection, separation, courage, and community. The dancers show how they express their feelings and thoughts through dance. The focus is on cohesion, trust, and the joy of dancing.
Fri 07 Mar | 10:30: JugendTanzCompany & tanzparcours
Fri 07 Mar | 19:00: tanzparcours & Neues Gymnasium
Sat 08 Mar | 19:00: JugendTanzCompany & tanzWERKSTATT
A physical warm-up will take place on stage 45 minutes before the performance (free entry). Registration please at: mitmachen@fabrikpotsdam.de