Der Ansager einer Streapteasenummer gibt nicht auf
by Bodo Kirchhoff
Performance rights by S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main.
Is the good old striptease dead? And has its audience also vanished into thin air, hiding in front of the internet? Or is it only dead for those who are supposed to undress? Then it still exists, and desires for exposure are certainly not lacking in our time; only how does one thing lead to the other?
Through language, of course - the announcer of a striptease act enters the stage. He promises the last classic strip on German soil: Andrea (or Andreas?) will only wear a red ribbon in the end, which is an irrevocable invitation to the audience to imagine removing this ribbon, not just for the moment, but for all future moments, which should not be underestimated as a torture.
But Andrea (or Andreas) seems to be running late, and the announcer is left with sentences like the one with the ribbon; he must keep talking and spreading hope that Andrea (or Andreas) will still show up, although the person at the center of Kirchhoff's monologue is there from the beginning - perhaps too dressed to be visible, or perhaps too naked…
Door open: 7:40 PM