»Son without a Father« – Feridun Zaimoglu tells in an unforgettable way about the journey of a mourning son to his father's grave in a foreign country and the solidarity of a family.
It is early in the morning when the mother calls to tell the son that his father has died. »He has gone to the righteous«, she says. Over 5000 km away from the place where his father died and where his mother lives, the news of his father's death plunges the first-person narrator into despair. He must go to Turkey to support his mother and say goodbye to his father. The narrator, a writer from Kiel, suffers from a fear of flying and asks two friends to accompany him by car. It is the beginning of an adventurous road trip through Europe and the start of a novel in which the grief and pain of the narrator merge with shimmering memories of his father's life, who once came to Europe as a guest worker, the experiences of the journey, and the pragmatic mother's phone calls into a single, powerful stream of thought. In his unmistakable tone, Feridun Zaimoglu speaks of grief and pain, of the solidarity of a family, and poses the question of how we remember those who are closest to us, yet sometimes seem foreign.
Feridun Zaimoglu (*1964) has lived in Germany since he was six months old. He studied art and medicine in Kiel, where he has worked as a writer, screenwriter, and playwright ever since. He has received numerous awards for his writing. After »Leyla«, »Liebesbrand«, »Siebentürmeviertel«, »Evangelio«, and »Die Geschichte der Frau«, his latest novel »Bewältigung« was published.
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Organizer: Literaturhaus SH