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Circus-Land JAHRESKARTE 2024 - Jahreskarte
Sunday, 5/19/2024 at 10:00 AM until Sunday, 9/1/2024 at 6:00 PM
Circus-Land JAHRESKARTE 2024 - Jahreskarte
Sunday, 5/19/2024 at 10:00 AM until Sunday, 9/1/2024 at 6:00 PM
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Auf 50.000qm wird wieder gespielt, getobt, entdeckt und ausprobiert.
Es erwarten Euch beliebte, bekannte und ganz neue, riesige Attraktionen. Euer Lieblingspark präsentiert Euch wieder tolle Shows, viel Action zum Mitmachen, einen wunderschönen mediterranen Biergarten und eine karibische Beach-Bar. Wir spielen draußen wie drinnen in unseren großen Indoor - und Outdoorbereichen und sind wetterunabhängig.
Den ganzen Tag Spaß haben - seid mittendrin im turbulenten Circus-Land.On 50,000 square meters, play, romp around, discover, and try things out again.
Popular, well-known, and brand new, huge attractions await you. Your favorite park presents you with great shows again, lots of action to participate in, a beautiful Mediterranean beer garden, and a Caribbean beach bar. We play outside as well as inside in our large indoor and outdoor areas, and we are not dependent on the weather.
Have fun all day long - be right in the middle of the turbulent Circus-Land.
The in-house Rock-The-Circus band performs live the greatest hits of rock history from legendary bands like AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Guns N' Roses, Pink Floyd, Queen, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and many more. Six dedicated rock musicians create unforgettable goosebump moments and the ultimate live concert feeling.
The musical performances are merged into a new art form by the breathtaking acrobatic feats of international artists – fast, powerful, and wild. Breathtaking acrobatics, magical moments, and spectacular performances meet powerful rock anthems and emotional ballads from 50 years of rock history. The songs are perfectly matched to the respective performances, and the performances are optimally tailored to the song selection. Thus, what belongs together grows together.
"Rock The Circus" offers an unforgettable evening for eyes and ears, for the heart and soul, for fans of hard rock music and lovers of fascinating circus artistry.
The captivating production manages to unite people of all ages, from very young to gracefully mature, regardless of status, origin, and gender for one evening. This is evidenced not only by nightly standing ovations but also by newspaper reviews and numerous fan reports:
"The band was awesome, the song selection and atmosphere were top-notch." (Fan report from Erlangen, 2024); "very familiar and great atmosphere" (Offenburg, 2024); "So great! Happy to come back! Highly recommended!" (Hof, 2024); "I've been there now for the second time and I am once again totally impressed." (Flensburg, 2023); "It was truly a magical evening" (Cologne, 2023); "The best show we've seen at the Theater am Aegi for a long time.... We'd happily go again" (Hanover, 2023).