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ACCEPT - Humanoid Tour 2024 - plus Special Guest: Phil Campbell
Donnerstag, 07.11.2024 um 19:30 Uhr
ACCEPT - Humanoid Tour 2024 - plus Special Guest: Phil Campbell
„Humanoid Tour 2024“ – Support: Phil Campbell & The Bastard Sons Die deutschen Heavy-Metal-Titanen ACCEPT melden sich mit ihrem mittlerweile 17. Studioalbum „Humanoid“ zurück und beehren im Herbst die europäischen Klubs. Auch nach über 40 Jahren zementiert die Solinger Stahlschmiede um Gründungsmitglied und Gitarrist Wolf Hoffmann sowie Sänger Mark Tornillo ihren Status als eine der führenden Kräfte der weltweiten Metal-Szene. Klassiker wie beispielsweise ‚Balls To The Wall‘, ‚Princess Of The Dawn‘, ‚Metal Heart‘ oder ‚Fast As A Shark‘ werden ebenso wie Songs neuerem Datums die Neue Stadthalle bis auf die Grundmauern einem Belastungstest unterziehen. Dazu beitragen werden die Briten PHIL CAMPBELL & THE BASTARD SONS. Der ehemalige-MOTÖRHEAD-Gitarrist und seine Familienbande werden bereits von Beginn an für eine gehörige Prise Rock’n’Roll sorgen und die Anwesenden gehörig auf Betriebstemperatur bringen. http://www.acceptworldwide.com - http://www.philcampbell.net
Geisterhaus ist eine Produktion der Schaubude Berlin mit Auftragsarbeiten von Neïtah Janzing, dem KMZ Kollektiv, Macromatter, Naoko Tanaka, Theater Textura and Guests und theatreworks.
Audiodeskription: Felix Koch Die Recherchephase wurde gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.
Geisterhaus (Haunted House) A performative exhibition Total duration of the parkour: ca. 90 minutes Adults 16.50 €, reduced 11.50 €
For the five-day period of the festival, Schaubude Berlin will be transformed into a haunted house! We invite the audience to join us on a parkour through the entire theater: the six works commissioned from Berlin-based artists move fluidly along the borders between performance and installation and search for the ghosts of our times in six individually designed experiential spaces. In small groups, the members of the audience experience intensive encounters and surprising moments in which the boundaries between subject and object become blurred and the relationship between human beings and their environment is called into question anew. Tactile tour: on November 9 at 17:30 as well as November 10 at 16:00, we will offer a tacile tour through the performative exhibition with an audio description. In order to take part, please register by November 8 at 12pm by sending an email to ticket@schaubude.berlin Information About Accessibility: You can find information about the physical accessibility of the performance venue here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/posts/barrierefreiheit The members of the audience will move throughout the entire building in small groups. The performance locations of the works Schule der Puppen (School of the Puppets) and Dressing Room are only accessible by means of stairs and one staircase is somewhat steeper. In order to reach the performance location of Pas de Ghost, one step has to be traversed. For the most part, there are no places to sit available and the audience will be packed in more closely together in some of the performance locations. The members of the audience will be invited to take part in interactions at some parts of the installation. Geisterhaus is a production of Schaubude Berlin with works that have been commissioned from Neïtah Janzing, the KMZ Kollectiv, Macromatter, Naoko Tanaka, Theater Textura and Guests and theatreworks. Audio description: Felix Koch The research phase was funded by money provided by Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community.
Einlass 17:15 Uhr
Ausverkauft. Restkarten ggfs. an der Abend- bzw. Tageskasse verfügbar.
Geisterhaus ist eine Produktion der Schaubude Berlin mit Auftragsarbeiten von Neïtah Janzing, dem KMZ Kollektiv, Macromatter, Naoko Tanaka, Theater Textura and Guests und theatreworks.
Audiodeskription: Felix Koch Die Recherchephase wurde gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.
Geisterhaus (Haunted House) A performative exhibition Total duration of the parkour: ca. 90 minutes Adults 16.50 €, reduced 11.50 €
For the five-day period of the festival, Schaubude Berlin will be transformed into a haunted house! We invite the audience to join us on a parkour through the entire theater: the six works commissioned from Berlin-based artists move fluidly along the borders between performance and installation and search for the ghosts of our times in six individually designed experiential spaces. In small groups, the members of the audience experience intensive encounters and surprising moments in which the boundaries between subject and object become blurred and the relationship between human beings and their environment is called into question anew. Tactile tour: on November 9 at 17:30 as well as November 10 at 16:00, we will offer a tacile tour through the performative exhibition with an audio description. In order to take part, please register by November 8 at 12pm by sending an email to ticket@schaubude.berlin Information About Accessibility: You can find information about the physical accessibility of the performance venue here: https://schaubude.berlin/en/posts/barrierefreiheit The members of the audience will move throughout the entire building in small groups. The performance locations of the works Schule der Puppen (School of the Puppets) and Dressing Room are only accessible by means of stairs and one staircase is somewhat steeper. In order to reach the performance location of Pas de Ghost, one step has to be traversed. For the most part, there are no places to sit available and the audience will be packed in more closely together in some of the performance locations. The members of the audience will be invited to take part in interactions at some parts of the installation. Geisterhaus is a production of Schaubude Berlin with works that have been commissioned from Neïtah Janzing, the KMZ Kollectiv, Macromatter, Naoko Tanaka, Theater Textura and Guests and theatreworks. Audio description: Felix Koch The research phase was funded by money provided by Berlin’s Senate Department for Culture and Community.
Einlass 15:45 Uhr
Ausverkauft. Restkarten ggfs. an der Abend- bzw. Tageskasse verfügbar.