River Lucifer

A dip in the darker waters of pop, rock, blues and gospel.
River Lucifer came together in Sweden during 2023. Snicken (Stonewall Noise Orchestra) recorded some
songs and thought Singe, the original and former singer of Stonewall Noise Orchestra would fit perfectly
on a song or two. It all ended up with both Singe and Snicken singing together on 9 out of 10 songs.
-It all went very smooth and easy going, we had a great time recording together again. It just came
naturally without stress or deadlines. We didn´t really have a plan with it, we simply enjoyed doing music
together, it almost felt a bit sad when we were done, says Snicken.
The result is a collection of songs from the heart touching painful subjects as well as bringing some sort
of hope for better times to come.
River Lucifer are planning for acoustic two man shows in 2024 but might even put a full band together on
specific occasions.

Snicken - instruments, vocals
Singe - guitar, vocals

Eventdaten bereitgestellt von: Reservix