König Ödipus
Written by Sophocles; by Bodo Wartke, Sven Schütze, Carmen Kalisch
with music by Bodo Wartke
Performance rights by Reimkultur GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
What's up, Jocasta?
Told with just nine props, rapid role changes, and cabaret-style songs, the story of Oedipus, son of Laius, King of Thebes, is narrated. He unknowingly kills his own father. And later, as a reward for freeing Thebes from the Sphinx, he marries Jocasta, the king's widow and therefore his own mother. Bodo Wartke's excellent stage adaptation of the classic myth, which still has an impact today (Oedipus complex), is based on the work of Sophocles, one of the outstanding works of (theater) world literature of all time. King Oedipus offers an accessible entry into a rightfully famous mythical material and combines comedy and tragedy into a fantastic theatrical experience - making education fun.