Das vergessene Volk . Eine Reise zu den letzten Jägern und Sammlern
This award-winning live report is an emotional journey into our own past, as we have spent 95% of human history as hunter-gatherers. Deep in the rainforest lives the Maniq people. Self-sufficient, hidden, alone. They are among the last hunter-gatherers on our planet. Researcher Khaled Hakami set out with many questions about the Maniq into the rainforest, lived with them for months, and returned with surprising answers.
Today, the Maniq are among the last hunter-gatherers on our planet. Their nomadic life in the remote rainforests of the Malay Peninsula knows no social, political, or economic inequality, neither between men and women nor between children and adults. The image of the primitive Stone Age human in textbooks and media has little to do with reality. The same goes for romantic notions of indigenous life in harmony with nature. But how and why does a society function without hierarchy, without possession or property, without social institutions, and without complex technology? What do people think for whom there is no future or past, only the present? What does daily life look like in a world that does not go beyond the boundaries of the rainforest? What do people believe who have no faith? How do they raise children when there are no “children” and “adults”? And if we have lived for the longest time in our history like this or something similar, why did we have to change? These are typical questions of WEIRD people (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic), which interest only us, not the hunter-gatherers. For them, we are just peculiar beings from another world who cannot find their way in the rainforest. Khaled Hakami was allowed to (sur)live as an average WEIRD person among the Maniq and shares this experienced culture shock with the audience. “Das vergessene Volk” is a multiple award-winning live report and won, among others, the international Discovery Days Festival 2022 in Laax, Switzerland. After the lecture, we will dive even deeper into the rainforest with Khaled Hakami and the audience in a discussion round. This lecture is a highlight of this year’s TRAUM & ABENTEUER season and has the label: Absolutely worth seeing!
KHALED HAKAMI The Viennese Khaled Hakami researches and works as a freelance scholar at the University of Vienna. In addition to classical teaching activities, the renowned scientist organizes conferences, has been a guest on the Ö1 program Punkt Eins, at the Long Night of Research, at the Research Slam, and generates great interest with his live report even outside anthropological circles.