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drei90 live - Was Sie schon immer über Fußball wissen wollten
Saturday, 12/14/2024 at 8:00 PM
drei90 live - Was Sie schon immer über Fußball wissen wollten
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drei90 live
„Was Sie schon immer über Fußball wissen wollten!“
Auch im Jahr 2024 ist "drei90 live" in der Republik unterwegs. Auf der Bühne wird im typischen "Drei90"-Stil aktuelles Fußballgeschehen und Zeitgeschehen besprochen. Die beliebtesten Kategorien fehlen dabei genauso wenig wie das chaotische Temperament von Enzo, Basti, Axel und David. Wiederholungen gibt es nicht; jede einzelne Show ist einzigartig und dadurch immer wieder ein Experiment. Ganz nach dem Motto: "Was Sie schon immer über Fußball wissen wollten und vieles mehr…"
Foyer und Bar ab 18:00 Uhr geöffnet. Einlass in den Saal ab 18:30 Uhr.
AUSVERKAUFTdrei90 live
"Was Sie schon immer über Fußball wissen wollten!"
Even in 2024, "drei90 live" is on the road in the republic. On stage, the current football events and current affairs are discussed in the typical "Drei90" style. The most popular categories are just as present as the chaotic temperament of Enzo, Basti, Axel, and David. There are no repetitions; each individual show is unique and thus always an experiment. Just according to the motto: "What you have always wanted to know about football and much more..."
Foyer and bar open from 6:00 PM. Admission to the hall from 6:30 PM.
About "Die drei ???" Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been investigating exciting cases and solving mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case – and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases as books and audio plays, the stories of the three detectives have captivated numerous boys and girls – even across multiple generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.
About Die drei ??? Since 1964, Justus Jonas, Peter Shaw, and Bob Andrews have been solving thrilling cases and unraveling mysterious puzzles as "Die drei ???". The boys from Rocky Beach take on every case and have often found themselves in precarious situations. With well over 225 cases in book and radio play form, the stories of the three detectives have inspired numerous boys and girls across generations.