GREGORIAN - 25 Jahre Masters Of Chant!
Tuesday, 1/21/2025 at 8:00 PM
GREGORIAN - 25 Jahre Masters Of Chant!
Tuesday, 1/21/2025
at 8:00 PM
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Seit 25 Jahren begeistern GREGORIAN weltweit Millionen von Menschen mit ihren choreografierten Shows und ihrer Fähigkeit, nahtlos von klassischen Chorälen zu Pop- und Rock-Songs zu wechseln. Ihre Konzerte haben neue Maßstäbe gesetzt.
Mit über 2.000 Shows in 35 Ländern und mehr als 10 Millionen verkauften Alben, sind GREGORIAN der erfolgreichste Chor der Welt. 2025 feiern GREGORIAN ein ganz besonderes Jubiläum - ein Vierteljahrhundert, das die Ausnahmesänger mit einer neuen Tournee ehren. Dazu Frank Peterson: „Diese Greatest Hits-Tour ist eine Feier der Geschichte und Erfolge von GREGORIAN sowie eine Gelegenheit, danke zu sagen an unsere Fans auf der ganzen Welt, die ihre Liebe und Unterstützung zeigen, indem sie immer wieder zu unseren Shows kommen. Die Zusammenstellung dieser Jubiläums-Show wird eine spektakuläre Reise durch unsere Band Geschichte sein - ein Rückblick auf einige der Highlights aus rund 20 Produktionen, die GREGORIAN in den letzten 25 Jahren aufgeführt haben.
Wir können es kaum erwarten, diese neue Show unserem Publikum zu präsentieren und diese wundervollen Höhepunkte wiederzubeleben." Für den internationalen Musik- und Show-Produzenten ist das Jubiläum eine tolle Bestätigung. Die Idee zu GREGORIAN entstand, als Frank Peterson im Jahre 1989 das königliche Kloster von San Lorenzo de El Escorial in Spanien besuchte. Durch die mittelalterliche Kloster- und Schlossanlage wandelnd und aktuelle Musik auf seinem Walkman hörend, fand er die Inspiration zu dem Soundexperiment, die altertümliche gregorianische Musik mit moderner Unterhaltungsmusik zu mischen. Peterson setzte die Idee erstmals mit Michael Cretu und dem weltweiten Sound-Phänomen „Enigma“um. Das erste Album „MCMXC a.D.“ erschien 1990 und wurde schon nach kurzer Zeit ein weltweiter Erfolg. „MCMXC a.D.“ war Nummer 1 in 41 verschiedenen Ländern und erhielt 57-mal Platin und 45-mal Gold. Es gilt als das weltweit erfolgreichste deutsche Album aller Zeiten. Dieser gigantische Erfolg ebnete den Weg, die musikalische Idee mit GREGORIAN einen Schritt weiterzuentwickeln und als eigenständigen Musik-Act zu etablieren. Im Jahre 1999, mit dem Beginn der Produktion zum ersten Album „Masters Of Chant“, knüpfte Frank Peterson nahtlos an den Erfolg von „Enigma“ an. In den folgenden Jahren konnte GREGORIAN mit bislang 18 CDs und 7 DVDs weltweit über 10 Millionen Tonträger verkaufen und Gold- und Platin-Status in 24 verschiedenen Ländern erzielen. Zum Jahresende 2024 und somit rechtzeitig zur Jubiläums-Tournee, wird Frank Peterson ein neues GREGORIAN-Album veröffentlichen.
Das Album wird neben neuen Songs auch Neuaufnahmen einiger bekannter GREGORIAN-Klassiker beinhalten. Frank Peterson ist seit über 30 Jahren mit verschiedensten musikalischen Projekten und internationalen Produktionen tätig. Er arbeitete als Produzent unter anderem mit Sarah Brightman, Enigma, Justin Timberlake, Andrea Bocelli, Paul Stanley (Kiss), Backstreet Boys, Alannah Myles, José Carreras, Tom Jones, Plácido Domingo, Errol Brown, Ofra Haza, Sandra, Josh Groban, Marky Mark, I Muvrini, Florent Pagny und Ricardo Cocciante. Seit 2005 ist Peterson, neben GREGORIAN, auch als Show-Produzent für Sarah Brightman und weitere Top-Stars tätig. Gemeinsam mit dem Weltstar hat er u.a. die weltweit von den Kritikern gefeierte Album- und Kino-Produktion „Sarah Brightman – Hymn“ produziert.
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
For 25 years, GREGORIAN has been captivating millions of people worldwide with their choreographed shows and their ability to seamlessly transition from classical chants to pop and rock songs. Their concerts have set new standards.
With over 2,000 shows in 35 countries and more than 10 million albums sold, GREGORIAN is the world's most successful choir. In 2025, GREGORIAN will celebrate a very special anniversary - a quarter of a century, which the exceptional singers will honor with a new tour. Frank Peterson says: "This Greatest Hits tour is a celebration of GREGORIAN's history and successes, as well as an opportunity to thank our fans around the world who show their love and support by coming back to our shows time and time again. The compilation of this anniversary show will be a spectacular journey through our band's history - a retrospective of some of the highlights from around 20 productions that GREGORIAN has performed in the last 25 years. We can't wait to present this new show to our audience and revive these wonderful highlights." For the international music and show producer, the anniversary is a great validation. The idea for GREGORIAN originated when Frank Peterson visited the royal monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial in Spain in 1989. Walking through the medieval monastery and castle complex while listening to current music on his walkman, he found the inspiration for the sound experiment of blending ancient Gregorian music with modern entertainment music. Peterson first implemented the idea with Michael Cretu and the global sound phenomenon "Enigma." The first album, "MCMXC a.D.," was released in 1990 and quickly became a worldwide success. "MCMXC a.D." reached number 1 in 41 different countries and received 57 platinum and 45 gold certifications. It is considered the most successful German album of all time. This gigantic success paved the way to further develop the musical idea with GREGORIAN and establish it as a standalone music act. In 1999, with the beginning of production for the first album, "Masters Of Chant," Frank Peterson seamlessly continued the success of "Enigma." In the following years, GREGORIAN has sold over 10 million records worldwide with 18 CDs and 7 DVDs, achieving gold and platinum status in 24 different countries. By the end of 2024, and in time for the anniversary tour, Frank Peterson will release a new GREGORIAN album.
The album will include new songs as well as new recordings of some well-known GREGORIAN classics. Frank Peterson has been active in various musical projects and international productions for over 30 years. He has worked as a producer with Sarah Brightman, Enigma, Justin Timberlake, Andrea Bocelli, Paul Stanley (Kiss), Backstreet Boys, Alannah Myles, José Carreras, Tom Jones, Plácido Domingo, Errol Brown, Ofra Haza, Sandra, Josh Groban, Marky Mark, I Muvrini, Florent Pagny, and Ricardo Cocciante, among others. Since 2005, Peterson has also been working as a show producer for Sarah Brightman and other top stars. Together with the global star, he has produced the critically acclaimed album and cinema production "Sarah Brightman - Hymn."
Doors open: 7:00 PM
Event data provided by: Reservix
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GREGORIAN - 25 Jahre Masters Of Chant!
GREGORIAN - 25 Years of Masters Of Chant!
For 25 years, GREGORIAN has been captivating millions of people worldwide with their choreographed shows and their ability to seamlessly transition from classical chants to pop and rock songs. Their concerts have set new standards. With over 2,000 shows in 35 countries and more than 10 million albums sold, GREGORIAN is the most successful choir in the world. In 2025, GREGORIAN will celebrate a very special anniversary - a quarter of a century, honoring the exceptional singers with a new tour. Frank Peterson says: "This Greatest Hits tour is a celebration of GREGORIAN's history and successes, as well as an opportunity to thank our fans around the world who show their love and support by coming to our shows time and time again. The compilation of this anniversary show will be a spectacular journey through our band's history - a retrospective of some of the highlights from around 20 productions that GREGORIAN has performed over the past 25 years. We can't wait to present this new show to our audience and revive these wonderful highlights." For the international music and show producer, the anniversary is a great confirmation. The idea for GREGORIAN originated when Frank Peterson visited the royal monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial in Spain in 1989. Walking through the medieval monastery and castle complex while listening to current music on his Walkman, he found the inspiration for the sound experiment of blending ancient Gregorian music with modern entertainment music. Peterson first realized the idea with Michael Cretu and the worldwide sound phenomenon "Enigma." The first album "MCMXC a.D." was released in 1990 and quickly became a global success. "MCMXC a.D." reached number 1 in 41 different countries and received 57 platinum and 45 gold awards. It is considered the most successful German album of all time worldwide. This enormous success paved the way to further develop the musical idea with GREGORIAN and establish it as an independent music act. In 1999, with the production of the first album "Masters Of Chant," Frank Peterson seamlessly continued the success of "Enigma." Over the following years, GREGORIAN has sold over 10 million records worldwide, achieved gold and platinum status in 24 different countries with a total of 18 CDs and 7 DVDs. By the end of 2024 and in time for the anniversary tour, Frank Peterson will release a new GREGORIAN album. The album will include new songs as well as new recordings of some well-known GREGORIAN classics. Frank Peterson has been involved in various musical projects and international productions for over 30 years. He has worked as a producer with artists such as Sarah Brightman, Enigma, Justin Timberlake, Andrea Bocelli, Paul Stanley (Kiss), Backstreet Boys, Alannah Myles, José Carreras, Tom Jones, Plácido Domingo, Errol Brown, Ofra Haza, Sandra, Josh Groban, Marky Mark, I Muvrini, Florent Pagny, and Ricardo Cocciante. Since 2005, Peterson has also worked as a show producer for Sarah Brightman and other top stars. Together with the world star, he has produced the critically acclaimed album and cinema production "Sarah Brightman - Hymn."
Freiburg im Breisgau
8:00 PM
from € 64.20
GREGORIAN - 25 Jahre Masters of Chant!
A singing group in monk's robes performs original compositions and popular pop and rock pieces, filling entire arenas? Yes, that's exactly what Gregorian is. For several decades, the group has enjoyed unbroken success with their mystical choral songs. Gregorian captivates both fans of classical and medieval music as well as enthusiasts of more modern sounds – their reinterpretations of contemporary songs are as fascinating as they are atmospheric.
With their cover versions from the rock and pop genres, Gregorian has created their own genre and gathered a dedicated fan base around them. Their success looks approximately like this in numbers: concerts in over 31 countries, several million viewers, and several thousand live performances worldwide. A production that is among the most successful in and out of Germany: their Gregorian singing guarantees sold-out venues.
A mystical live experience for all ages
Gregorian is ubiquitous not only in the charts but also on national and international stages, which they conquer during their successful tours in Germany and Europe. Gregorian tickets are the ticket to an unparalleled world of mysticism, light effects, and singing that enchants visitors of all ages.
Doors open: 7:00 PM
8:00 PM
from € 59.90