If Fahnenflucht ever releases a soft, feel-good album, we will know that as a society we have made it. We have overcome our problems, destroyed racism, defeated capitalism, and everyone is treated equally. Until that happens, Fahnenflucht will continue to hold up a mirror to show us our anger and serve us zeitgeist distillates in their 6 studio albums.
Since their debut album in 2000, the band has been going where it hurts. Currently, Thomas (vocals), Mole (guitar), Kai (guitar), Dennis (bass), and Jan (drums) are taking us there. The band and many of its members have their origins in the Lower Rhine region. But instead of brash village punk, Fahnenflucht has always delivered political punk that is loud and heard all over the country.
There is no reason to be quiet about anti-fascism. And as long as that is the case, a band like Fahnenflucht is needed with their uncompromising, intelligent punk rock that not only tunes into the spirit of the times but also raises both fists.
This is constructive, well-thought-out, and consistent criticism of the system, politics, capitalism, and society without a moralizing tone, but always with substance. This is not an anti-stance based on punk dogma. Fahnenflucht is against box-thinking and doesn’t fit into any. They hit the mark exactly where they are needed: up-to-date, relevant, and precise.
Clever lyrics, delivered through aggressive vocals, driven forward by melodic guitar riffs and an energetic drumbeat. The sound sometimes veers towards hardcore, without ever losing clarity. The guys know what and how to say it, managing to convey a very loud message even in quieter, experimental songs in their unmistakable signature style.
The global crisis mode has not just become a permanent state of affairs since yesterday. The hopes of solving society's major problems are dwindling, and as long as that's the case, there can never be a cheerful, carefree Fahnenflucht album. But give up? Never. "Weiter Weiter" (Onward Onward) is not just the current album title but also a reminder of what Fahnenflucht has stood for for 25 years now.
Doors open: 8pm