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Es war einmal… ein Märchenchaos - Ballet Company Diversity
Saturday, 3/9/2024 at 6:00 PM
Es war einmal… ein Märchenchaos - Ballet Company Diversity
Chaos im Märchenland! Das Mädchen Ella landet durch einen Sturz mit ihrem Märchenbuch im Märchenland. Dadurch bringt sie die Märchenfiguren und ihre Geschichten gehörig durcheinander. Aber nicht nur das - um wieder in ihre eigene Welt zu gelangen, muss sie einige Abenteuer bestehen. Es gilt, den bösen Zauberer Karbofos aufzuhalten, der das Märchenbuch gestohlen hat und nun die Macht im Märchenland übernehmen will. Glücklicherweise findet Ella im Gestiefelten Kater einen guten Freund. Auf ihrem Weg zum alles entscheidenden Kampf gegen Karbofos müssen sie auch noch die Ordnung der Märchen wieder herstellen. Und das ist nicht einfach, wenn Frau Holle im Klohäuschen eingesperrt ist, Schneewittchen Aerobic tanzt, ihre Zwerge nach der Pfeife von jemand anderem tanzen und der Wolf keine Lust hat, „Sitz“ zu machen. Und als sich dann auch noch Rumpelstilzchen einmischt, wird es richtig gefährlich für Ella und den Kater …
Mit „Es war einmal … ein Märchenchaos“ bringen die Ballet Company Diversity und die jüngeren Ballettklassen zusammen mit Teilnehmenden der Kinder- und Erwachsenen-Schauspielkurse ein selbstgeschriebenes und selbstchoreografiertes Stück auf die Bühne des Stadttheaters. Über 70 Tänzer*innen und Schauspielende verwandeln die Bühne in eine magische Märchenwelt, in der das Menschenkind Ella zusammen mit dem Gestiefelten Kater aufregende Abenteuer erlebt. Die Gebrüder Grimm hätten ihre helle Freude daran!
Choreografie: Nikolaj Cembrovic, Lisa-Marie Heinrichs, Jessica Mance Künstlerische Leitung: Nikolaj Cembrovic Text und Regie: Tanja Frank
Ton und Kirschen Theater The Ton und Kirschen Theatre was founded by Margarete Biereye and David Johnston in May 1992 in Glindow (near Potsdam) after 20 years of theatre experience with the English Footsbarn Travelling Theatre. The theatre rehearsals take place on a property in the district of Glindow. Here, the set is built, and the making of props, costumes, masks, and puppets also takes place. From here, Ton und Kirschen travels with its productions in all directions of the state of Brandenburg. We set up our stage and auditorium at various performance locations. Every year we perform in Potsdam and Berlin and in other cities in Germany. We have also often been invited to theatre festivals abroad. So we have performed in many countries (Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland, and repeatedly in France) and on different continents (Asia, North Africa, and several times in South America).
The currently 7-member ensemble of the theatre comes from Germany, England, Wales, France, and Colombia. Under the artistic direction of David Johnston and Margarete Biereye, 26 productions have been created.
PRODUCTIONS by Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater The Hunchback from 1001 Nights (1992), Woyzeck by Georg Büchner (1993), The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni (1994), Don Quixote after Miguel Cervantes (1995), Pyramus and Thisbe after Ovid (1996), The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov (1997), Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (1999), The Golem after Gustav Meyrink (2000), The Bacchae by Euripides (2002), Middle of the Moment (2004), The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck (2005), Hamlet by William Shakespeare (2006), Perpetuum Mobile (2008), King Ubu by Alfred Jarry (2009), La luna, luna for Federico Garcia Lorca (2011), Hans in Luck by Bertolt Brecht (2013), Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov (2014), Shakespeare's Sonnets (2015), Bartleby, the Scrivener after Herman Melville (2016), In the Blink of an Eye (2017), The Mines of Falun by E.T.A. Hoffmann (2018), The Legend of the Holy Drinker by Joseph Roth (2020), The Bound Prometheus by Aeschylus (2021), The Open Door (2022), The Tempest by Shakespeare (2023), ES WAS ONCE and was also not... (Premiere: 2024, T-Werk Potsdam).
The theatre group thanks the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the state of Brandenburg for the funding.
Ton und Kirschen Theater The Ton und Kirschen Theatre was founded by Margarete Biereye and David Johnston in May 1992 in Glindow (near Potsdam) after 20 years of theatre experience with the English Footsbarn Travelling Theatre. The theatre rehearsals take place on a property in the district of Glindow. Here, the set is built, and the making of props, costumes, masks, and puppets also takes place. From here, Ton und Kirschen travels with its productions in all directions of the state of Brandenburg. We set up our stage and auditorium at various performance locations. Every year we perform in Potsdam and Berlin and in other cities in Germany. We have also often been invited to theatre festivals abroad. So we have performed in many countries (Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland, and repeatedly in France) and on different continents (Asia, North Africa, and several times in South America).
The currently 7-member ensemble of the theatre comes from Germany, England, Wales, France, and Colombia. Under the artistic direction of David Johnston and Margarete Biereye, 26 productions have been created.
PRODUCTIONS by Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater The Hunchback from 1001 Nights (1992), Woyzeck by Georg Büchner (1993), The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni (1994), Don Quixote after Miguel Cervantes (1995), Pyramus and Thisbe after Ovid (1996), The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov (1997), Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (1999), The Golem after Gustav Meyrink (2000), The Bacchae by Euripides (2002), Middle of the Moment (2004), The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck (2005), Hamlet by William Shakespeare (2006), Perpetuum Mobile (2008), King Ubu by Alfred Jarry (2009), La luna, luna for Federico Garcia Lorca (2011), Hans in Luck by Bertolt Brecht (2013), Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov (2014), Shakespeare's Sonnets (2015), Bartleby, the Scrivener after Herman Melville (2016), In the Blink of an Eye (2017), The Mines of Falun by E.T.A. Hoffmann (2018), The Legend of the Holy Drinker by Joseph Roth (2020), The Bound Prometheus by Aeschylus (2021), The Open Door (2022), The Tempest by Shakespeare (2023), ES WAS ONCE and was also not... (Premiere: 2024, T-Werk Potsdam).
The theatre group thanks the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the state of Brandenburg for the funding.
Ton und Kirschen Theater The Ton und Kirschen Theatre was founded by Margarete Biereye and David Johnston in May 1992 in Glindow (near Potsdam) after 20 years of theatre experience with the English Footsbarn Travelling Theatre. The theatre rehearsals take place on a property in the district of Glindow. Here, the set is built, and the making of props, costumes, masks, and puppets also takes place. From here, Ton und Kirschen travels with its productions in all directions of the state of Brandenburg. We set up our stage and auditorium at various performance locations. Every year we perform in Potsdam and Berlin and in other cities in Germany. We have also often been invited to theatre festivals abroad. So we have performed in many countries (Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland, and repeatedly in France) and on different continents (Asia, North Africa, and several times in South America).
The currently 7-member ensemble of the theatre comes from Germany, England, Wales, France, and Colombia. Under the artistic direction of David Johnston and Margarete Biereye, 26 productions have been created.
PRODUCTIONS by Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater The Hunchback from 1001 Nights (1992), Woyzeck by Georg Büchner (1993), The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni (1994), Don Quixote after Miguel Cervantes (1995), Pyramus and Thisbe after Ovid (1996), The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov (1997), Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (1999), The Golem after Gustav Meyrink (2000), The Bacchae by Euripides (2002), Middle of the Moment (2004), The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck (2005), Hamlet by William Shakespeare (2006), Perpetuum Mobile (2008), King Ubu by Alfred Jarry (2009), La luna, luna for Federico Garcia Lorca (2011), Hans in Luck by Bertolt Brecht (2013), Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov (2014), Shakespeare's Sonnets (2015), Bartleby, the Scrivener after Herman Melville (2016), In the Blink of an Eye (2017), The Mines of Falun by E.T.A. Hoffmann (2018), The Legend of the Holy Drinker by Joseph Roth (2020), The Bound Prometheus by Aeschylus (2021), The Open Door (2022), The Tempest by Shakespeare (2023), ES WAS ONCE and was also not... (Premiere: 2024, T-Werk Potsdam).
The theatre group thanks the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the state of Brandenburg for the funding.
Ton und Kirschen Theater The Ton und Kirschen Theatre was founded by Margarete Biereye and David Johnston in May 1992 in Glindow (near Potsdam) after 20 years of theatre experience with the English Footsbarn Travelling Theatre. The theatre rehearsals take place on a property in the district of Glindow. Here, the set is built, and the making of props, costumes, masks, and puppets also takes place. From here, Ton und Kirschen travels with its productions in all directions of the state of Brandenburg. We set up our stage and auditorium at various performance locations. Every year we perform in Potsdam and Berlin and in other cities in Germany. We have also often been invited to theatre festivals abroad. So we have performed in many countries (Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Austria, and Switzerland, and repeatedly in France) and on different continents (Asia, North Africa, and several times in South America).
The currently 7-member ensemble of the theatre comes from Germany, England, Wales, France, and Colombia. Under the artistic direction of David Johnston and Margarete Biereye, 26 productions have been created.
PRODUCTIONS by Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater The Hunchback from 1001 Nights (1992), Woyzeck by Georg Büchner (1993), The Servant of Two Masters by Carlo Goldoni (1994), Don Quixote after Miguel Cervantes (1995), Pyramus and Thisbe after Ovid (1996), The Cherry Orchard by Anton Chekhov (1997), Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe (1999), The Golem after Gustav Meyrink (2000), The Bacchae by Euripides (2002), Middle of the Moment (2004), The Blue Bird by Maurice Maeterlinck (2005), Hamlet by William Shakespeare (2006), Perpetuum Mobile (2008), King Ubu by Alfred Jarry (2009), La luna, luna for Federico Garcia Lorca (2011), Hans in Luck by Bertolt Brecht (2013), Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov (2014), Shakespeare's Sonnets (2015), Bartleby, the Scrivener after Herman Melville (2016), In the Blink of an Eye (2017), The Mines of Falun by E.T.A. Hoffmann (2018), The Legend of the Holy Drinker by Joseph Roth (2020), The Bound Prometheus by Aeschylus (2021), The Open Door (2022), The Tempest by Shakespeare (2023), ES WAS ONCE and was also not... (Premiere: 2024, T-Werk Potsdam).
The theatre group thanks the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the state of Brandenburg for the funding.